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MSU pres. Resigns

but but but Grant Perry raped a girl outside a bar in EL...

but but but GIBBONS!!
but but but Grant Perry raped a girl outside a bar in EL...

but but but GIBBONS!!

admittedly the Gibbons situation was bad. we did (eventually) kick him out. As far as I know, no one at UM ever explained how exactly that whole situation never resulting in him being expelled a hell of a lot sooner, or Lewan being expelled either.

Perry was just acting like a drunk asshole, and was punished appropriately in my opinion. if he hadn't run from the cops, they wouldn't have thrown the book at him.

(and apparently if he had been an MSU football player, nothing would've happened to him at all...)
admittedly the Gibbons situation was bad. we did (eventually) kick him out. As far as I know, no one at UM ever explained how exactly that whole situation never resulting in him being expelled a hell of a lot sooner, or Lewan being expelled either.

Perry was just acting like a drunk asshole, and was punished appropriately in my opinion. if he hadn't run from the cops, they wouldn't have thrown the book at him.

(and apparently if he had been an MSU football player, nothing would've happened to him at all...)

I was just recalling some MSU fans' reactions at Michigan fans talking about this stuff

Gibbons case never had any criminal charges pressed.

Years later, Obama changed the title IX requirements to a preponderance of the evidence and the case was looked at again and Gibbons was expelled. The worst part of that case is that Hoke said he was away tending to family matters or some bullshit. This is what really happened. Michigan had no reason to expel Gibbons until the case was looked at again under the far lesser need for proof and when that happened, he was expelled. Michigan did nothing wrong with the Gibbons case. Don't tell MSU fans that, though...

I seriously know MSU fans that are posting that Harbaugh is letting a known rapist stay on the team in Grant Perry and that he raped that girl outside the bar.

These are not representative of all MSU fans, but these ones are nuts...
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Thing is, those 2 cases and anything at Michigan is/are completely beside the point. This isn't a rivalry thing and MSU fans bringing up Perry and/or Gibbons right now are so completely out of touch.
This is obviously a dark day for MSU...

maybe we should take up a collection for the MSU posters...??? Get them a case of Bud Light, an old couch from Goodwill, some matches, and a can of gas.

Think they'd appreciate the gesture?

Would probably be a more somber couch burning than they were used to, but it would help them cope. They could post a pic of the burning couch as a sign of thanks.
This is obviously a dark day for MSU...

maybe we should take up a collection for the MSU posters...??? Get them a case of Bud Light, an old couch from Goodwill, some matches, and a can of gas.

Think they'd appreciate the gesture?

Would probably be a more somber couch burning than they were used to, but it would help them cope. They could post a pic of the burning couch as a sign of thanks.

Maybe they should let some football and basketball players gang rape some bitches on that couch before they burn it.
Now the Governor of Michigan (aka One Tough Nerd... Who Violates Union rights and Poisons Children) is looking to join the pile on MSU. link.
Are you kidding me? It just gets more and more appalling!!
It's sickening.

I know I'm in the vast minority in this opinion and that's fine, but if one dad would have caught what Nassar was doing and killed him it would have been great. That dad would deserve a medal and a pardon from whatever judge heard his case.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
It's sickening.

I know I'm in the vast minority in this opinion and that's fine, but if one dad would have caught what Nassar was doing and killed him it would have been great. That dad would deserve a medal and a pardon from whatever judge heard his case.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

I don't think anyone would disagree at all that a dad in the position that you describe would justifiably have had that impulse.

I don't think anyone would disagree that if that had happened it would be any kind of a loss to society.
I don't think anyone would disagree at all that a dad in the position that you describe would justifiably have had that impulse.

I don't think anyone would disagree that if that had happened it would be any kind of a loss to society.
No loss at all. To me, it's no different than exterminating a ****roach.

Except ****roaches aren't sadistic, evil pieces of shit.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Just an awful situation and I’m thinking this gets worse before it’s gets better for sparty.
I agree with you guys this is Nasser fault period . But let this be a lesson for all parents . My wife and I told each other that we would never let our kids alone with any Medical personal 17 or younger unless they requested the doctor themselves . How did a young girls get to be alone with this monster ? Where were his co-workers ? God this pissed me off.
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I agree with you guys this is Nasser fault period . But let this be a lesson for all parents . My wife and I told each other that we would never let our kids alone with any Medical personal 17 or younger unless they requested the doctor themselves . How did a young girls get to be alone with this monster ? Where were his co-workers ? God this pissed me off.

This is part of why I think it's so important for there to be a very thorough investigation before individual doctors/associates face the court of public opinion. When you have this many victims, you have to believe Nassar was really good at hiding it/deflecting complaints. It is amazing and scary to me that it went on as long as it did without a parent or another doctor figuring out what was going on and speaking up.
This is part of why I think it's so important for there to be a very thorough investigation before individual doctors/associates face the court of public opinion. When you have this many victims, you have to believe Nassar was really good at hiding it/deflecting complaints. It is amazing and scary to me that it went on as long as it did without a parent or another doctor figuring out what was going on and speaking up.

Spot on GB ..Me and my wife said the same thing .. Holy shit how did he hide this !!!! Man i just want to punch this dude even if my arm explodes .
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