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NFC WC Playoff: Lions @ Saints Thread

Forward down the field
a charging team that will not yield
and when the blue and silver wave
stand and cheer the brave


Go hard win the game
with honor you will keep your fame
down the field and gain
a Lion victory!!

Gooooooooooooooo Lions!


keep the PF penalties out of the game and we have a shot! Come on D!
Damn, how close was he to blocking that XP?
Great protection and stafford's hitting the open man.
Stafford and the Lions playcalling was great that drive.
Calvin, Titus, and the TD pass to Heller.
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]Great protection and stafford's hitting the open man.

they actually blitzed us a lot on that drive....do i say it???.....

New Orleans got Staffordized that first drive.