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*Official UM Hoops Thread*

It is nice to see these big name recruits start to come in. I was quite concerned in the early going of John B's tenure that top flight players just did not want to deal with his style of ball. But man, he's getting some big fish.

Yeah, we remember your concern...dumbass!
Really? I bailed. Fuck $40/ticket, and only one game.

Oh, btw, tonight's exhibition game will be replayed on BTN Monday at 4.

Yeah, it was kind of messed up this season, but I figured wtf? Only chance to get courtside or next to it
Yeah, it was kind of messed up this season, but I figured wtf? Only chance to get courtside or next to it

Yeah, I asked to be kept on the mailing list. This just isn't the year for me to be dropping a hundred (2 tickets, parking, gas) on a mediocre Big Ten matchup. I'm sure I'll be wishing I had come January though...have fun!
Yeah, we remember your concern...dumbass!

there is still a lot of crow to be eaten over the JB hire & success, and since CB doesn't post anymore, I see you are making sure dubbs eats his share.
When are they going to start selling individual tickets for B1G games? The season is here already. Come on.
I am really excited to see Derrick play for us. He seems like a great kid and a hell of a player.
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Wow, so it looks like my big offseason question of how will Beilein adapt to his players is being answered positively so far.

Just read on umhoops that UM is 3rd in the country in defensive rebounding, yet dead last among high major teams in forcing turnovers. The last part isn't a positive of course, but it's a clear sign that the team is playing to its strengths and not trying to force anything. In previous Beilein teams those two stats would be flipped.

They're still taking their fair share of 3's, but the strength of UM's big men isn't exactly post offense at this point...I don't have a problem with being a perimeter oriented team, especially now that they have multiple people who can take it to the hole. That said, I just looked it up and so far this year the # of 3pt attempts has been under 20 in 3 of 5 games, it was only under 20 in 8 of 34 games last year. Percentage is up to 44.1% from 35% last year, but the first two games are inflating that quite a bit.
Nice win vs Illinois and hopefully a nice little tune up game vs NW before heading to God forsaken Blooomington IN.... Let's Go Blue! Hoping for a #1 ranking today, although Kansas may be just as deserving. I really like the way this team is shaping into form. JB is doing a great job of getting guys periodic playing time in meaningful parts of games so they're ready to roll when called upon.

I think it was good for the team and guys like Stauskas to take their lumps against OSU and it will pay off down the road. Horford is really looking much improved, McGary is coming into his own a little bit more each game..hope they continue to grow. Anything short of a final 4 would be a disappointment for most fans and in my case I'm gonna be really let down if they don't win it all. I think they're the best overall team in hoops this year...well from what I've seen anyway. (Especially if McGary hits his stride by the tourney) I don't think anything short of a title can't be a great season for the program, but for me personally just watching this team and knowing what they're probably going to lose, I'll be disappointed.

With that being said, it's going to be a tough road. There are multiple teams within the conference that can compete with anyone in the country and although there isn't a dominant team in hoops, there are a ton of teams who could knock you off at any moment without it being considered a major upset so the tourney might be even more of a challenge thean in years passed. I think we'll see a ton of great games this year in March from round 1 on. Should be a lot of fun............................................as long as Michigan wins.
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Anyone as excited as me? I know Death Roh's feelin it. Really love the way they've recruited and am hopin that Trey Burke fills the D-Mo void this year. It seems like an understatement to say Michigan is heading back in the right direction under Coach JB.

Interesting to read the preseason comments. So what is the verdict? Trey able to fill Morris' shoes? LOL

Deathroh, I expect to see a complete regular season recap THIS WEEK after the IU game. Those of us who don't pay alot of attention until tournament time require it. Make sure you do as good of a job as you did on the first page of the thread. That was simply amazing. I'm waiting to see the big dance seeding, and hoping for a all B1G final four. =]
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Kid is 6'9 and has a 7 foot 2 inch wingspan. Can block shots and dunk the ball with authority. Pretty nimble guy with a really soft shot.

Just fugured it out, he is a Rick Smits clone. Same jump shot and movements. Hopefully he grows to 7'0
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Pretty much what I'm thinking as well. Obviously Della Valle is viewed as the much better talent, but I'm glad they got Spike.

What a decision by Beilein.

Not a bad idea to pick up Levert either...

Who would have thought those moves would have such a big impact and so early!