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*Official UM Hoops Thread*

Really looking forward to this season! If Walton can distribute well, we'll be in great shape with Irvin, GRIII, McGary, Stauskas, etc. Can't believe how many line-up combinations we'll have.
John Beilein says over the last week, for the first time, Mitch McGary has done full-speed individual work w/ a coach.

Mitch is progressing and working his way back. Still no timetable for his return, but this is a bit of good news.
will there be a way to watch the game tonight? or do we have to pay on mgoblue.com?
will there be a way to watch the game tonight? or do we have to pay on mgoblue.com?

I always use firstrowsports, just make sure you use .eu instead of .com
Last game a link wasn't up til midway through the 1st half, but I could watch it after that. Just click the basketball link and then click on the Michigan game. I'd suggest using an ad-blocker though, lots of pop-up ads otherwise.
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Is Austin Hatch any good?

I really don't follow recruiting; they just had a thing on CNN regarding his recuperation after surving a plane crash.
Before the most recent plane crash he was viewed as a "Beilein recruit" meaning he didn't have a ton of athleticism and flew under the radar, but was a guy that could flourish in Beilein's offense and could be a diamond in the rough. A good shooter, smart, and played hard on defense.

At this point who knows what he's capable of doing on the court, but I hope he gets the longest standing ovation in Crisler history before his first game, whether he's in uniform or not.
Wow - 2 time plane crash survivor. Wow.

This guy should go golfing in a lightening storm, or play Russian roulette professionally, like in that scene from The Deer Hunter.
Michigan just won their second game in Italy 93-53. Two blowouts in a row.

I haven't looked at their schedule, but I hope they play at least one good team. Other than learning to play together, I don't think it's very beneficial to blow all these teams out.
First coach's poll:

1. Kentucky
2. Arizona
3. Duke
4. Wisconsin
5. Kansas
6. North Carolina
7. Florida
8. Virginia
9. Louisville
10. Texas
11. Wichita State
12. Villanova
13. Gonzaga
14. Iowa St.
15. Connecticut
16. Virginia Commonwealth
17. San Diego State
18. Michigan State
19. Oklahoma
20. Ohio State
21. Nebraska
22. SMU
23. Michigan
24. Syracuse
25. Iowa
Derrick Walton is only a junior??? I feel like he's been on the team for a decade.
So I was at the game last night. Biggest surprise was Donnal started over Doyle. I have no idea why.

DJ built a brick city but had a lot of open looks. Dawkins missed quite a few open looks as well. Duncan Robinson looks the part of a great shooter. Not sure he can bring much else in conference play.

Wagner got his hands on quite a few passes. He has the wingspan of a pterodactyl.

Walton looks good but wasn't too assertive last night.

LeVert put up 20 and had a big scoring busy to get the 2nd half rolling. It was really needed after a poor 28 point first half.

The team is going to be damn good one Irvin is 100%. Doyle is our only player who isn't a threat from 3. That puts tons of pressure on defenses.
I streamed it last night. I counted at least three times that Robinson got blown by. Against . But I'm still excited as hell about him. And yeah, mo wagner looks like he's going to be a hustler. Didn't get a chance to do much on o.
So I was at the game last night. Biggest surprise was Donnal started over Doyle. I have no idea why.

Yeah, I don't get it. The rotation was obviously nothing like what we'll see, but why start donnal? Maybe he's showing Belein something in practice, but it looked like same old same old to me