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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Automatic runner permanent; new position-player pitching rules.

MLB?s Joint Competition Committee Votes To Make ?Ghost Runner? Rule Permanent; Place Limits On Position Players Pitching.

MLB makes extra-innings ghost runner rule permanent for regular-season games.
Every regular season half-inning in extras will automatically start with a runner on second base.
Pitch timers are being installed and will debut in 2023:

15 seconds with the bases empty
20 seconds with runners on base
30 seconds in between hitters
Hitters get 1 timeout per plate appearance
Violations are automatic ball or strike
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Totally Tigers

Starting this year, MLB is making 3 important changes to the game. They were created to increase the pace of play and inject excitement into the game.

One of those changes involves the use of a pitch clock. Here are the rules as written by MLB:

In an effort to create a quicker pace of play, a 30-second timer between batters will be implemented in 2023. Between pitches, a 15-second timer will be in place with the bases empty and a 20-second timer with runners on base.

The rule change stipulates the following:
The pitcher must begin his motion to deliver the pitch before the expiration of the pitch timer. Pitchers who violate the timer are charged with an automatic ball. Batters who violate the timer are charged with an automatic strike.
Batters must be in the box and alert to the pitcher by the 8-second mark or else be charged with an automatic strike.
With runners on base, the timer resets if the pitcher attempts a pickoff or steps off the rubber.
Pitchers are limited to two disengagements (pickoff attempts or step-offs) per plate appearance. However, this limit is reset if a runner or runners advance during the plate appearance.
If a third pickoff attempt is made, the runner automatically advances one base if the pickoff attempt is not successful.
Mound visits, injury timeouts and offensive team timeouts do not count as a disengagement.
If a team has used up all five of its allotted mound visits prior to the ninth inning, that team will receive an additional mound visit in the ninth inning. This effectively serves as an additional disengagement.
Umpires may provide extra time if warranted by special circumstances. (So if, as an example, a catcher were to be thrown out on the bases to end the previous half-inning and needed additional time to put on his catching gear, the umpire could allow it.)
The Detroit Tigers have been using the pitch clock in spring training. Player reviews of it are all over the board.

But what do you think? Is a pitch clock a good idea or does it mess with the game too much? Will it negatively or positively impact how a pitcher performs?

Do you think the new pitch clock is a good idea?

1. Yes

2. No

Totally Tigers

Another change MLB will be making this year is the introduction of bigger bases. Here is their official statement:

One of the rule changes covers the size of the bases, which traditionally have been 15 inches square, but will now be 18 inches square. Home plate remains unchanged.

Though the base-size change may have a modest impact on stolen-base success rate, the modification?s primary goal is to give players more room to operate and to avoid collisions. This is especially key at first base, where fielders will have an extra 3-inch advantage to stay out of harm?s way from the baserunner while receiving throws.

The change will create a 4 1/2-inch reduction in the distance between first and second base and between second base and third, which will likely encourage more stolen-base attempts. The bigger bases could also have the effect of reducing over-sliding, whereby a player loses contact with the bag after sliding through it.

So how will this change impact the Tigers? Will it help or hurt them?

Today?s blog addresses this dilemma and allows readers to share their thoughts in more detail. And hopefully, to actively engage with others by responding to their posts and creating back-and-forth discussion threads. The more the merrier!

For this one blog only, you?ve got 6 sentences max to share your thoughts.
Of course, you can respond to as many other readers as you want.

TT will supply the ammunition. One thought-provoking question. Several options provided. One hard choice to be selected. One vote.

Do you think the new bigger bases will help or hurt the Detroit Tigers?

1. It will help them.

2. It will hurt them.

3. It will end up not being a factor.

I could see hitters eventually using the timeout over and over again to get the pitcher out of rhythm.
Totally Tigers

Today, another opportunity for readers to discuss the hottest topics in a forum where thoughtful dialog and a variety of opinions are welcomed.

Let?s create some running conversational threads. And for those of you back in actual offices, here?s a question to take with you ? or use via Zoom ? as you talk to your co-workers.

Here is today?s topic??..

MLB has announced that they will be doubling down on checking pitchers for sticky stuff this season. Last year, pitchers were checked once per game.

In 2022, stats show that across the board, their spin rates were lower pre-check and then increased noticeably afterwards. The belief is that pitchers resorted to using stuff like Spider Tack after being checked.

Increased spin rates make a pitch harder to hit, thus reducing offense. Baseball has moved into an era where pitchers are increasingly more dominant due to analytics, technology and products.

Starting this year, MLB has announced that umpires will be checking pitchers randomly throughout the game. There is no limit as to how many times they may check a single pitcher. But they are not expected to continually check a single pitcher during 1 game.

How do you feel about this move? Is it important to even out the odds between pitchers and hitters? Will this make the game more fair? Will it unfairly distract those on the mound? Or will it make games even longer?

How do you feel about pitchers being checked for sticky substances more than once in a game?

1. Approve. Level the playing field and help offense.

2. Disapprove. Keep 1 check per pitcher.

Spring training 2022 vs. 2023

Time of game
2022: 3:01
2023: 2:36

2022: 10.6
2023: 11

SB attempt/game
2022: 1.6
2023: 2.4

BABIP on groundballs
2022: .235
2023: .258

Strikeout rate
2022: 23.9%
2023: 23.1%

More singles, stolen bases and runs ? and 25 minutes faster.
Totally Tigers

After experimenting with it in the minors, baseball now has the pitch clock at the MLB level. Some younger players have already had a taste of it but this spring training is a chance for established MLB players to acclimate.

It has been working well for the most part. A few hiccups and penalties for both batters and pitchers. And it appears few players are complaining.

So far, games are finishing in a shorter amount of time and tempos are different. One of the fan base?s biggest complaints has been the length of the game. MLB is attempting to stem the loss of fans by making the game more efficient and watchable.

We?ve seen app. 2 weeks of exhibitions games so far. What are your thoughts now about the pitch clock after seeing it implemented?

What do you think about the pitch clock now that you've seen it in action?

1. Love it!

2. So far, so good.

3. Not a fan.

Per Manfred, Theo Epstein was the first person at the commissioner?s office to point out that instituting larger bases could allow for more stolen bases. Previously, the group had been discussing the size increase as only a health-and-safety issue.

?The only one who said anything other than talking about safety with the larger bases was Theo,? Manfred said. ?And Theo said, ?Well, it?s bigger, it?s (three) inches each way, there?s gonna be more stolen bases.

absolutely terrifying the commissioners office is this ****ing stupid..