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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Manfred also confirmed that the proposed rule changes ? pitchers need to face at least three batters or reach the end of a half inning, rosters expanded to 26, with a maximum 13 pitchers, and to 28 in September, and the minimum stay on the injured list for pitchers extended to 15 days ? will be in effect this season.
Manfred also confirmed that the proposed rule changes ? pitchers need to face at least three batters or reach the end of a half inning, rosters expanded to 26, with a maximum 13 pitchers, and to 28 in September, and the minimum stay on the injured list for pitchers extended to 15 days ? will be in effect this season.

The three-batter rule is stupid. If a relief pitcher is facing three batters in an inning, most times he's not doing his job. This rule is going to make matters more difficult for teams with a thin BP, like Detroit.
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The three-batter rule is stupid. If a relief pitcher is facing three batters in an inning, most times he's not doing his job. This rule is going to make matters more difficult for teams with a thin BP, like Detroit.
I agree it's a dumb rule but 3 batters he's not doing his job?
Btw, can't you fake an injury and get taken out early?
I agree it's a dumb rule but 3 batters he's not doing his job?

But that did not translate well, I agree. I'd like to be able to see what did result in relation to a pitcher who did face more than three batters in one inning in comparison to those who faced less than three.

Or maybe there isn't one at all. Witness Inning 8, Game 2 of the 2013 ALCS.
It removes the specialty pitchers. Where was this rule when we had Phil Coke.
It will speed the game up I suppose. Is it the younger people or do all people hate the pace of play? I never minded the 3-4 hour plus games in baseball. This could make it longer dude's tired but has to keep pitching but doesn't get anyone out.
It will speed the game up I suppose. Is it the younger people or do all people hate the pace of play? I never minded the 3-4 hour plus games in baseball. This could make it longer dude's tired but has to keep pitching but doesn't get anyone out.

I think the main reason is to limit those late inning changes where the manager brings in a lefty for one batter or vice versa.
Problem. Starters (or reliever) go out to start an inning. They face one or two batters and not record an out. Whoever follows, must complete the face 3 batters OR the end of the inning rule (GIDP could happen in here). It opens up a whole different strategy. Do I have my starter with 95 pitches go out a start an inning, when I already know he will be coming out? Which reliever do I use? It could mean you will see "closers" in these situations more often than not.

Now, those teams that now employ "openers". This will negate some of what they were doing. Games where teams employed openers lasted longer than traditional starter games.
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