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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Totally Tigers

The Saturday Survey offers another way for readers to weigh in on a relevant topic. So here is a poll to gauge the pulse of our baseball-lovin? and starvin? and pleadin? for the crack of the bat peeps.

Today, we center the discussion on the current negotiations taking place between the owners and players on the financial terms of the potential 2020 season.

As always, we welcome your comments, so please vote and then submit your reasons (4 sentences max!) for how you voted in the usual comment box. Don?t forget to come back later and view the results!

MLB owners and the Players Association are currently involved in negotiations to bring baseball back this year. Should they resolve all of the health issues and concerns, there is a clause in March?s legal agreement that will require both sides to meet again to discuss the financial issues should baseball not return to normal conditions. Having no fans in the stands meets this requirement.

Currently, players would have their regular salaries pro-rated depending upon the length of the season. (If they play half a season, they would receive approximately half their salaries.)

Owners are saying they will lose $4 billion collectively because attendance accounts for approximately 50% of their revenue. They are asking players to take another cut in pay while taking part in revenue sharing to help offset their paycheck reduction.

The players are currently opposed to that proposal, stating that they have already taken a 50% cut in pay and would be playing in conditions that may greatly jeopardize their health.

Please participate in the poll in order to share where you stand when it comes to the negotiations between ownership and the players.

Which side has the most legitimate argument?
1. MLB owners.

2. Players.

3. Both equally.

4. Neither of them.

5. Not sure.

Baseball players not spitting, I'm not sure that would be easy for them to stop.