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Stafford to Dallas?

I made that point earlier in a thread. Why have Lions fans been so quick to throw the past QBs under the bus and said "they suck," and yet the role has COMPLETELY flipped with Stafford and we do anything but throw him under the bus and cover up his deficiencies with excuse making.

Stafford hasn't sucked. That is why

41 and 29 TD seasons. 11 win season with some clutch play and lowered turnoves. Plenty of first downs.

And many of the ints and incompletes not his fault.
Oline would've been a better thought, or better yet build the oline then draft a qb

They picked Backus and Raiola the year before Harrington. But Millen traded Jeff Hartings
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Stafford ranks 118th all time in TDs per Attempt.
He has 6 games to throw 59 TDs to tie Marino for fastest to 200TDs.
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Take a look at the offensive stats in 2005 and you'll laugh at how much better Stafford has it compared to Joey Harrington. And then if you want a bigger laugh, look at 2003.

Harrington had Kevin Jones on half a leg, Roy "first down" Williams, Marcus Pollard, and Scott Vines. If you feel bad Stafford has nothing, you should feel heartbroken about what Harrington had.
Take a look at the offensive stats in 2005 and you'll laugh at how much better Stafford has it compared to Joey Harrington. And then if you want a bigger laugh, look at 2003.

Harrington had Kevin Jones on half a leg, Roy "first down" Williams, Marcus Pollard, and Scott Vines. If you feel bad Stafford has nothing, you should feel heartbroken about what Harrington had.

Joey didn't produce. Stafford does.

2004 Lions had a run game for Joey with Kevin Jones. Lions were pretty low in sacks in some of those years (2002, 2003). Don't know pressure % though. James Stewart ran well Joey's rookie season too.


2003 he did get screwed. 2005 he split time with Garcia

Stafford produced. Joey did not (even with a good run game)
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Stafford ranks 118th all time in TDs per Attempt.
He has 6 games to throw 59 TDs to tie Marino for fastest to 200TDs.

With average health, proper protection and run support he will do it!

Actually, he already has 200 true TDs! and 6 true SB victories.
13 of the 18 turnovers are not Stafford's fault this season.

Run defense against Minnesota and Arizona are not Stafford's fault

Atrocious rush offense against Min,Den,Sea,Ari not Stafford's fault

big plays in coverage are not Stafford's fault.
Which excel spreadsheet did you paste that from? Is that your Stafford worksheet, or just the general Lions one?
And you probably blamed Harrington, Kitna, Batch, etc... for everything, and I'll call you out for being a total hypocrite.
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You blindly blame Stafford for everything. And I will call you out for it every time.

nope. Just giving him credit for what he does. Just like I credit him for his TDs, yards, completions, incompletions, etc.
"Joey didn't produce. Stafford does."

Buh bye. Have a good day.

Joey didn't produce. It's a fact. Stafford does produce. Others are to blame for each QB too.. You assumed I blamed it all on Joey

Joey didn't produce does not equal I blame it all on Joey

Stop being so stupid.
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I call you a hypocrite because Joey had NO ONE around him. No one. He got one or two decent years out of Kevin Jones. He did have Artose Pinner though. He was pretty good.
I call you a hypocrite because Joey had NO ONE around him. No one. He got one or two decent years out of Kevin Jones. He did have Artose Pinner though. He was pretty good.

Joey got more run support than Stafford. And didn't produce. It wasn't all Joey's fault but even when things did go his way, he failed (2004).

Plus the Packers and Bears and Vikings were not every tough from 2002-2004. 2005 the Bears were good.

2011-2015 Lions would win the NFC North every year from 2002-2004.

Stafford does produce even without much run support or protection (last 2 years) or weapons (2012/2013 injuries).