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Stafford to Dallas?

Whoever put a Stafford trade post is killing the board. It's so freaking dumb.

And then to suggest Stafford and Harrington are on the same level. Beyond dumb.
Poor Matt. Too bad Mayhew failed to put a complete team around him. Bad o-line and never able to run the ball. Maybe he should have invested a top 10 pick into that O-line when they had the chance instead of wasting a pick on a TE that drops the ball and can't block.

At least we figured out the true problem...Mayhew
Whoever put a Stafford trade post is killing the board. It's so freaking dumb.

And then to suggest Stafford and Harrington are on the same level. Beyond dumb.

speaking of dumb...it isn't a trade Stafford post. The article says that Dallas would possibly sign him as a FA after Romo is gone.
This is what got me.

Stafford is also proven. Only four quarterbacks in history have had 5,000-yard passing seasons -- Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees ... and Stafford. He reached 20,000 career passing yards faster than Dan Marino, setting an NFL record in the process. He threw his 100th TD pass in his 55th game. Only Marino, Kurt Warner and Johnny Unitas got there quicker.

Let Marino play now .. even have Manning and Brady start their careers at the same time as Matt. The gave has been pass friendly.. You can accidentally get 4000 yard. Even the 90's, not long ago, 4000 was rare. So yards and TD quickly doesn't translate. Matt faster to 20000 than Marino, lol.
Poor Matt. Too bad Mayhew failed to put a complete team around him. Bad o-line and never able to run the ball. Maybe he should have invested a top 10 pick into that O-line when they had the chance instead of wasting a pick on a TE that drops the ball and can't block.

At least we figured out the true problem...Mayhew

If Waddle and Waford and Pettigrew and Ebron and Bell didn't get injured. Different story. Terrible luck.

Laken and Swanson get a year to develop. Ebron was showing good things.

Mayhew did a good job.
No one said Harrington is better than Stafford. But the irony that we blame the shit out of him but give Stafford free pass after free pass is laughable.
Let Marino play now .. even have Manning and Brady start their careers at the same time as Matt. The gave has been pass friendly.. You can accidentally get 4000 yard. Even the 90's, not long ago, 4000 was rare. So yards and TD quickly doesn't translate. Matt faster to 20000 than Marino, lol.

Where do you gets get your information? You act like every QB gets 4,000 yards.

Seriously. 11 QBs last year over 4,000. 9 in 2013. 11 in 2012, 10 in 2011.

You need to be basically be a top 10 yard guy, to get 4,000 yards. And Stafford is usally well over 4,000 yards.
No one said Harrington is better than Stafford. But the irony that we blame the shit out of him but give Stafford free pass after free pass is laughable.

Stafford PRODUCES. Say it with me. PRODUCES

Harrington did not.
What's he produced? Did I miss when the team has done something?

The fact that he's over 4000 is directly, 100 percent related to the fact that he's already like one of the most active leaders in attempts. King of the irrelevant stat.
A great TD pace. Comparable to early Manning and Brees per game early in their career.
First downs (which leads to yards). Keeps our offense afloat without run game, weapon injuries and protection issues.

And why does Stafford get those attempts. Because he's good. Because you want the ball in his hands compared to our run game. Stafford gets first downs, which lead to more attempts. First downs lead to more attempts.

And more attempts gives the opposing defenses more int chances compared to a QB throwing only 450 times a year. it skews his int numbers to make him worse than he is. Especially with weapon problems causing ints that aren't his fault.
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As far as I know, Harrington and Matt are the same. Neither can win a playoff game.
Blah, blah, blabity blah blah. I thought you turned a corner when Arizona clown stomped this joke of a franchise. But clearly your insano meter kicked back in and you are right where you started.
Blah, blah, blabity blah blah. I thought you turned a corner when Arizona clown stomped this joke of a franchise. But clearly your insano meter kicked back in and you are right where you started.

I have a great point and won this argument. But you are too dumb to recognize it.
Congrats, this is for you:

Keep deflecting dubs. Just shows how wrong you are.

And then Mitch chiming in with bad info about yards.
Where do you gets get your information? You act like every QB gets 4,000 yards.

Seriously. 11 QBs last year over 4,000. 9 in 2013. 11 in 2012, 10 in 2011.

You need to be basically be a top 10 yard guy, to get 4,000 yards. And Stafford is usally well over 4,000 yards.

only because of VOLUME. Say it with me...VOLUME


2015 26th
2014 19th
2013 11th
2012 21st
2011 13th

Basically, you just need to throw the ball 600+ times a year to get 4000 yards!