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Stafford to Dallas?

Nah, just grown tired of arguing with you. Stafford hasn't produced dick other than a lot of yards. TD/INT, QBR, completion percentage, it's all dog shit, the stats that actually matter.

But most importantly, he hasn't won. Period.
Stafford has better than Marino's completion % by the way. And Elway.

Many ints not his fault. But you blame him for all them. So dumb.
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Enough. Please. I wish you'd take yourself away from these boards. You ruin every f'ing conversation.
Stafford has better than Marino's completion % by the way. And Elway.

different eras & rules. DB's were allowed to mug WRs for most of their careers and QB's were actually allowed to take a hit. Now it is illegal to touch a WR or QB.
different eras & rules. DB's were allowed to mug WRs for most of their careers and QB's were actually allowed to take a hit. Now it is illegal to touch a WR or QB.

Defenders are bigger and faster now. Dline especially. Offenses and defenses more complex. Expected to do more with the attempts.

It's harder to be a QB now.
Harder to be a QB NOW??? LOL. Stop.

This game couldn't be any easier for QBS today.
Enough. Please. I wish you'd take yourself away from these boards. You ruin every f'ing conversation.

I am the conversation. This is a conversation about football where are having. A good one. There is no trade Stafford to Dallas conversation. That is a dumb conversation.
Harder to be a QB NOW??? LOL. Stop.

This game couldn't be any easier for QBS today.

I explained why

Bigger and faster, more complex and QBs are expected to do more.

Game manager city in the old days. Pound the rock in the old days.
Everyone happy with Matt's completion% this season?You mentioned it like 4 times, LKP. He's 15th still. 26th in YPA. Awesome.
64% is a true 80% considering the run game and pressure %
There are 4 plays I'm not happy with from Stafford on the year. Plenty of good and great plays I am happy with though.
Marino's Top 3 WR in 84 were no taller than 5'9" and the DBs could mug them.

Marino had Dlinemen built like punters trying to sack him. DBs now are way more skilled ( ball skills). Bad throws in old times would be dropped by the DBs. Now DBs are making miracle diving catches. Dlinemen are making good tough catches even.
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Today's game is build around offense. Can't touch a QB, can't touch a WR.. can't do anything on D. All rules stacked against them.
Can't even tap a ball out of the end zone on D. QB's can do it anytime they want.