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Stafford to Dallas?

Brady has been a top 10 rated QB every year of his career except 1. He was the top rated QB a few times.

Stafford has been rated in the top half of the league 1 year. Been top 20 only 2 years.

There is no point in comparing him to historic players, compare him to his peers. Fact is he doesn't compare to current players well, he hasn't besides 1 season. He is one of the least efficient QBs in the league.
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I can't even believe this conversation, LKP and LKP lite. Records mean jack shit. 117 passer rating this past week, 50 the week before. That's all you need to know about Matt Stafford.;
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3099 vs 2817 vs 2545 passing attempts for Stafford, Manning, and Brady respectively to accumulate those stats. Again it's the volume of passing attempts that lead to the higher numbers for Stafford. Imagine what Manning and Brady would do with an extra 300 to 550 passing attempts? They would blow Stafford out of the water.

Sorry no comparison. Another pointless LKP post per usual.
Manning was top 5 all but a few years, and top 10 all but his rookie year.

Mannings 7th year: 67.6%, 4,557 Yards, 49 TDs, 10 Ints. 121.1 Rating.
Stafford in his 7th year - is 1 int from matching Mannings yearly total. Is 39 TDS behind and has a rating that is 38.7 points lower.

Tell me again how Stafford compares well to them?
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Matt Stafford has had one good year in seven. That's all there is to it.

The yardage totals are a huge product of the raw amount of attempts he has had as a QB. He's also been blessed to be throwing to one of the best to ever play the game. Who the hell does Tom Brady throw to? What he does, a novel concept I know, is makes average WRs better. Stafford makes good players average.
Manning was top 5 all but a few years, and top 10 all but his rookie year.

Mannings 7th year: 67.6%, 4,557 Yards, 49 TDs, 10 Ints. 121.1 Rating.
Stafford in his 7th year - is 1 int from matching Mannings yearly total. Is 39 TDS behind and has a rating that is 38.7 points lower.

Tell me again how Stafford compares well to them?

LKP will insist this is Matt's 5th year.. Just watch.
After 6 seasons in the NFL Brady and Manning had a QB rating of 88.3 & 88.0, Stafford was at 83.6.

Year 7. Manning 121.1, Brady 87.9, Stafford sits at 82.4

After 6 seasons Brady led his team 10 or more wins in 4 of 5 seasons (didn't play year 1)
After 6 seasons Manning led his team to 10 or more wins in 4 of 6 seasons
After 6 seasons Stafford led his team to 10 or more wins 2 of 6
Matt Stafford has had one good year in seven. That's all there is to it.

The yardage totals are a huge product of the raw amount of attempts he has had as a QB. He's also been blessed to be throwing to one of the best to ever play the game. Who the hell does Tom Brady throw to? What he does, a novel concept I know, is makes average WRs better. Stafford makes good players average.

Couple MAJOR flaws in your argument.

1. If Stafford makes players worse.....how can CJ be one of the best to ever play?
2. Montana had Rice.....THE GOAT of all WR's.....he also had The player who is considered the best ever number two wide receiver ever in John Tayler......an all pro TE in Brent Jones....an all pro RB in Craig and the best pass catching FB ever in Rathman. So was Montana just an average QB surrounded by all pro level talent? Or....and this is a novel concept....did they make each other better?
3. Brady has also had Moss, Welker and Gronk....not really average players.
Couple MAJOR flaws in your argument.

1. If Stafford makes players worse.....how can CJ be one of the best to ever play?
2. Montana had Rice.....THE GOAT of all WR's.....he also had The player who is considered the best ever number two wide receiver ever in John Tayler......an all pro TE in Brent Jones....an all pro RB in Craig and the best pass catching FB ever in Rathman. So was Montana just an average QB surrounded by all pro level talent? Or....and this is a novel concept....did they make each other better?
3. Brady has also had Moss, Welker and Gronk....not really average players.

I think a great QB can elevate his supporting cast more than good "weapons" making a QB look better than he is.
I always thought Montana was a bit overrated. He was good but not as great as everyone says he is.. If anyone had talent it was the 49er teams. Just loaded.

But back in the day, Bradshaw-Aikman-Elway -- all threw quite a few INT compared to TD's. Just a different game.. And as someone previously said defensive players could mug WR at the time. So much easier to be a QB now.
And you if tried to come down with a throw that Matt throws to CJ, those jump balls... You'd have DB's coming from every direction smashing you in the head.
I think a great QB can elevate his supporting cast more than good "weapons" making a QB look better than he is.

Take an objective look at Brady's career stats.....good through 2006. High 80's QB rating. 2007 his "greatness" began, right??

Oh.....2007 was the first year he had Moss and Welker......so, yeah, weapons can certainly help.

In no way am I trying to say this to prove that Stafford is great, but there are many cases where players make quarterbacks better, not the other way around.

Brady was as good with no weapons as Stafford is with CJ. But Brady was never great until weapons showed up on the roster.
Couple MAJOR flaws in your argument.

1. If Stafford makes players worse.....how can CJ be one of the best to ever play?
2. Montana had Rice.....THE GOAT of all WR's.....he also had The player who is considered the best ever number two wide receiver ever in John Tayler......an all pro TE in Brent Jones....an all pro RB in Craig and the best pass catching FB ever in Rathman. So was Montana just an average QB surrounded by all pro level talent? Or....and this is a novel concept....did they make each other better?
3. Brady has also had Moss, Welker and Gronk....not really average players.

1. A week ago almost everyone on this board said we should trade calvin cause stafford has turned him into a 7 yd slant possession wr and we wanted to save him the embarrassment of playing with Matt stafford and the lions.

2. Stafford has calvin, a top 10 pick te, and 2 rd2 playmakers starting.

3. Brady has gronk and a back up qb from like iowa state bethesda montmouth.
1. A week ago almost everyone on this board said we should trade calvin cause stafford has turned him into a 7 yd slant possession wr and we wanted to save him the embarrassment of playing with Matt stafford and the lions.

2. Stafford has calvin, a top 10 pick te, and 2 rd2 playmakers starting.

3. Brady has gronk and a back up qb from like iowa state bethesda montmouth.

Using where players were drafted as the one and only assessment of their NFL talent level is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. If that's the case, Ryan leaf is also one of the greatest players of all time, and Tom Brady has no talent.
Threads like these seriously make me wonder how many people are posting on this forum while wiping the drool from the corner of their mouths and trying to remember how to breath, passing out occasionally from thinking too hard.
So manning and Brady relied on run game and defense. Attempts is high because Stafford is our offense and our defense at times doesn't hold leads. Typically due to defensive injuries

Stafford leads drives and gets td. Pats run it and colts did with edgerin James. Then they get a few throws and tds
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Typically dur to defensive injuries

Take an objective look at Brady's career stats.....good through 2006. High 80's QB rating. 2007 his "greatness" began, right??

Oh.....2007 was the first year he had Moss and Welker......so, yeah, weapons can certainly help.

In no way am I trying to say this to prove that Stafford is great, but there are many cases where players make quarterbacks better, not the other way around.

Brady was as good with no weapons as Stafford is with CJ. But Brady was never great until weapons showed up on the roster.

I didn't say they don't help...I said a great QB has more of an impact.

Look at 2006 Brady. His stats were as good or better than Stafford's with Reche Caldwell, Ben Watson & Troy Brown. Stafford has his Moss and Welker right now and can't do shit with them.
I didn't say they don't help...I said a great QB has more of an impact.

Look at 2006 Brady. His stats were as good or better than Stafford's with Reche Caldwell, Ben Watson & Troy Brown. Stafford has his Moss and Welker right now and can't do shit with them.

ummmmmmmmmmm.......that's exactly what I said.

Thanks for reiterating, I guess.