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Stafford to Dallas?

Take an objective look at Brady's career stats.....good through 2006. High 80's QB rating. 2007 his "greatness" began, right??

Oh.....2007 was the first year he had Moss and Welker......so, yeah, weapons can certainly help.

In no way am I trying to say this to prove that Stafford is great, but there are many cases where players make quarterbacks better, not the other way around.

Brady was as good with no weapons as Stafford is with CJ. But Brady was never great until weapons showed up on the roster.

Brady was top 10 every year before moss. I wish Stafford was like that. That is a lot better then Stafford is with CJ.

Moss average around 750 yards the three years before Brady. Then was even worse once he left NE. I'd say Brady helped elevate him. Welker had 1 TD before new England, then suddenly becomes a stud in NE. Another shocking coincidence. Just like James Jones becomes a TD catching stud when he goes back to Green Bay. A guy that was sitting there for anyone to take.
So yeah, records mean shit compared to 1957. You know Lions history?

Hey now, I gotta know at least as much history as you, so suck it on that account.

If records mean shit, why would they be kept by the NFL? Tell me again why you helped make this thread go for this many pages?

Riiight, records are shit. Is the NFL shit too? Why are you still a fan?

Again, not sure if you're just trying to be funny, but that statement is just stupid.
Hey now, I gotta know at least as much history as you, so suck it on that account.

If records mean shit, why would they be kept by the NFL? Tell me again why you helped make this thread go for this many pages?

Riiight, records are shit. Is the NFL shit too? Why are you still a fan?

Again, not sure if you're just trying to be funny, but that statement is just stupid.

What it was meant to mean was TD or yards record or other records for a franchise doesn't mean much when compared to era's that didn't pass or passed very little. Because they don't correlate to Bobby Layne's era. That's all what I meant by that.. Does that make sense to you? As far as the 18 pages remark you're still here. So thanks for your help.

And honestly, do you really care Matt has all these records? Under .500 record, he's a big reason why. No playoff wins..
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Put it this way. To every person who says "Stafford's the best QB the Lions have had in 50 years," put Matt Stafford on about 15 other franchises who have had any modicum of past success. He will be right in the middle of the pack in their history. Stop using the Lions embarrassment as a market when gauging this QB.
This is really not a hate on Matt or hate on Detroit thing. It's just sad that we've had some awful, just awful QB's playing here. I just get a bit tired of the He's the best since, we won 11 games etc. I just want some playoff wins and maybe even a super bowl. 3 weeks and I'll be fifty, and I was 25 the last time and only time they won a playoff game. I'm going to say it, I've earned the right to get more. They owe it to me to win a championship.. C'mon Detroit.. win one for the gipper, I mean Mitch :nod:
This is really not a hate on Matt or hate on Detroit thing. It's just sad that we've had some awful, just awful QB's playing here. I just get a bit tired of the He's the best since, we won 11 games etc. I just want some playoff wins and maybe even a super bowl. 3 weeks and I'll be fifty, and I was 25 the last time and only time they won a playoff game. I'm going to say it, I've earned the right to get more. They owe it to me to win a championship.. C'mon Detroit.. win one for the gipper, I mean Mitch :nod:

I have become numb to the Lions. I don't get upset when they lose...at times I even find humor in it. Honestly, I really don't care too much anymore. I enjoy playing fantasy football more than the regular games. I am WAY more upset when my fantasy team loses compared to how I feel when the Lions lose.
Expect a loss, hope for a win.

That's my Lion philosophy every Sunday, thanks to years of losing.
What it was meant to mean was TD or yards record or other records for a franchise doesn't mean much when compared to era's that didn't pass or passed very little. Because they don't correlate to Bobby Layne's era. That's all what I meant by that.. Does that make sense to you? As far as the 18 pages remark you're still here. So thanks for your help.

And honestly, do you really care Matt has all these records? Under .500 record, he's a big reason why. No playoff wins..

Gotta ask. Does Ty Cobb's 4,000+ hits mean anything? You certainly said his triple crown numbers are shit because one year he won it with 9 HR. Do I care that I was around and watching games when Stafford gets all those records. Damn straight I do. The question is why aren't you?

I get it, he is under .500 with no playoff wins. If that were the criteria for anything really meaningful, other than hating on him, you would have something. There a number of greatest ever Lions that never really had more than one playoff win, so? I still enjoyed watching them play.

I suspect you think Stafford's 18 4th quarter comebacks are completely due to other factors too. It's typical of many here. It is all black and white. No middle ground. Guess what - that is OK too, but I have every right to be a glass is half full kinda guy also. I loved every one of those comebacks. Was it his bad plays that put them in that position to begin with? Maybe, but it doesn't mean the win was any less exciting when it happened.

. . . and on still being here, I never implied that I didn't care - you however did.
Put it this way. To every person who says "Stafford's the best QB the Lions have had in 50 years," put Matt Stafford on about 15 other franchises who have had any modicum of past success. He will be right in the middle of the pack in their history. Stop using the Lions embarrassment as a market when gauging this QB.

Nope, and that is one of my points. So firggin' what that he is middle of the road on other great Franchises? I don't root for those - I do however root for the Lions, so best ever for the last 50 years means a great deal to me if I was there to see it. You don't have to be like that - cynical disillusioned fan that you are, but I remain hopeful.
This is really not a hate on Matt or hate on Detroit thing. It's just sad that we've had some awful, just awful QB's playing here. I just get a bit tired of the He's the best since, we won 11 games etc. I just want some playoff wins and maybe even a super bowl. 3 weeks and I'll be fifty, and I was 25 the last time and only time they won a playoff game. I'm going to say it, I've earned the right to get more. They owe it to me to win a championship.. C'mon Detroit.. win one for the gipper, I mean Mitch :nod:

I'm sympathetic to that - really I am. I scream at the screen and boo loudly when crappy shitty stuff happens. I think we are all owed that championship, but I also gotta say it sure sounded like hating on Stafford to me :*)
Of course I am cynical. Why wouldn't I be? This franchise has ripped my heart out for about 25 years every Sunday. What do they deserve for me to blindly cheer and clap for them and expect things will suddenly be better?

He's an average QB who hasn't won anything, and the stats prove that. I'm not going to bow at the throne of Pat Statford. He's been a complete letdown with his place in the draft and the amount of money he makes. And the people who try and defend him have one thing in their back pocket: Yards. And yards mean NOTHING when determining the greatness of a QB. Playoff wins, super bowls, leading teams to great moments. He's done none of that. We talk about 11-5 regular season as though that means something. That's how pathetic this franchise is.
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I suspect you think Stafford's 18 4th quarter comebacks are completely due to other factors too.

It means he happened to have a decent drive that day. We're all seen him suck for 58 minutes before he "comebacks." That type of game winning drives don't impress me. Maybe if wasn't complete shit earlier we wouldn't need those drives. But you go on and boast that he has his records, and compare him with the likes of past greats because he has more yards or TD's.
Nope, and that is one of my points. So firggin' what that he is middle of the road on other great Franchises? I don't root for those - I do however root for the Lions, so best ever for the last 50 years means a great deal to me if I was there to see it. You don't have to be like that - cynical disillusioned fan that you are, but I remain hopeful.

So you lower your expectations do to how shitty the franchise has been? I on the other hand do not give a shit how he compares vs the Lions QBs, it means nothing.

Stafford hasn't been a top half rated QB any year besides 2011.

It's sickening to me to watch other games and see a QB escape pressure, drop in passes into "covered" guy, not make the WR stop, reach behind, go down to catch a pass. It's sad watching our games and seeing wide open WRs ignored. Watching a big play go to wasted because he couldn't hit a 15 yard pass. An interception on a short thrown ball when the guy had nothing but green space behind him. Short throwing a open TE in a playoff game so it hits the defender in the back.

The QB play level in 2015 is very high, we are stuck with a guy that puts up numbers like its the early 90s.

I've seen 7 years of this guy, there isn't much to get excited about. A new guy at least brings new hope. If he is worse, so be it. I will take the risk of a new QB. If he ends up being ranked late 20s instead of mid 20s, well it probably wont make a difference anyways.
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Another line I can't stomach:

"You don't know what you have until he's gone."

Well, how do franchises ever make changes using that philosophy? We know what we have now. An average QB who is overpaid and doesn't win big games.
Stafford is like a young Brady and Manning. I proved that

This franchise's biggest regret ever will be cutting/trading Stafford.

We will be CURSED for 148+ years (the number of TDS he has thrown) if they cut or trade him
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Man, now that is the way to start out the morning - you're funny LKP. Thank you.
Another line I can't stomach:

"You don't know what you have until he's gone."

Well, how do franchises ever make changes using that philosophy? We know what we have now. An average QB who is overpaid and doesn't win big games.

I do know what we'll have when he's gone.... Still no playoff wins. Regardless of whether Stafford is a bum or the godliest of Lion QBs, they still haven't found success in his career here. That's the bottom line.

Make up every excuse in the book that you can, it still doesn't change the fact that this franchise ultimately fails year in and year out. I'm even willing to give Stafford the benefit of the doubt, as there have been bigger issues, fundamental flaws even, that keep this franchise in the shitter.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next QB is worse than Stafford, in fact I'm expecting it...because honestly, for this franchise, isn't that just par for the course?
I shutter to think about a rookie or someone with less talent than Stafford tryign to lead the Lions offense. Considering the run game and protection currently.

Of course that could get fixed with a new RT and Laken/Swanson developing in 2016. And Reiff and Warford back to proper form and healthy.