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Stafford to Dallas?

Can't even tap a ball out of the end zone on D. QB's can do it anytime they want.

You guys probably blame Stafford for Calvin fumbling that ball. You probably blame him for every fumble. All 8.
Super Bowl game performances:

Montana- 11 TD/0 INT, 127.8 rating, 4-0.

He's a bum.
LKP, I'm beginning to realize this isn't how you act in real life. You don't have conversations like this with your friends. If you did, no one would ever talk football with you. That's why you have to come here.
LKP, I'm beginning to realize this isn't how you act in real life. You don't have conversations like this with your friends. If you did, no one would ever talk football with you. That's why you have to come here.

You are not my friends. You are people who need to learn how to analyze football.

Think of me as your teacher.

Also my friends are smart enough to listen to my points and realize how great they are regarding football.
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I found LKP


  • And+now+there+isn+t+room+for+retards+in+the+world+_14271bb8a4b1e187f3237eb7f579edeb.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 19
Is sheer stupidity and annoying behavior a reason to be banned?

You guys have no idea how much better this forum is if you block LKP. A 90+ post topic about Stafford to Dallas (which isn't happening) is due to one person.

Just be done, people. EVERY thread turns into the same discussion over and over.
Let Marino play now .. even have Manning and Brady start their careers at the same time as Matt. The gave has been pass friendly.. You can accidentally get 4000 yard. Even the 90's, not long ago, 4000 was rare. So yards and TD quickly doesn't translate. Matt faster to 20000 than Marino, lol.

OK we can never ever compare any current or recent past QB to anyone that started 5 years before Stafford? So YPA, and all the rest of those stats are pretty useless too, right?

Give me a break.

The fact is, for better or worse, Stafford will probably hold most offensive QB records for this franchise. Maybe says more about the sad franchise we have, but it doesn't change that fact either.

My given stats - dog shit stats, and can't be compared to anyone good that started before Stafford. All your stats must be God given reasons that Stafford is dog shit, but can certainly be used to say that every QB in the last half-century that ever won a playoff game has got to be better than Stafford will ever be.

Seriously do you ever read what you write in successive posts?
Seriously guys, being an old fart, I don't look at or care how someone does with all the new stats. That's for all you pundits to decipher.

What I can tell you is what I see on the field. It is about 60-40 of good to great plays vs. bad to completely bone head plays, and for better or worse, since I pretty rarely miss a game, I will root like crazy for every play where the team looks good and curse at every play where the team shoots themselves in the foot. Maybe someday us diehards will actually live to see a SB, but until then they are still my team - and logic has absolutely nothing to do with it - and so I defend, defend, defend.

Pretty amazing that I got basically a dead thread to go on for pages and pages - although I couldn't have done it without LionsKillPack, it means I still got it. :*)
Stafford through 77 games 21,710 yards 131 TDs 85 ints 83.6 rating
Peyton Manning 20,618 yards through 80 games 138 TDs 100 ints and 85.9 rating (80 games)
Brady through 77 games 18,029 yards 123 TDs 66 ints and 88.6 rating

Peyton Manning was 5-16 on the road vs teams with winning records at this point of his career.

Stafford compares to both of them.
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OK we can never ever compare any current or recent past QB to anyone that started 5 years before Stafford? So YPA, and all the rest of those stats are pretty useless too, right?

Give me a break.

The fact is, for better or worse, Stafford will probably hold most offensive QB records for this franchise. Maybe says more about the sad franchise we have, but it doesn't change that fact either.

My given stats - dog shit stats, and can't be compared to anyone good that started before Stafford. All your stats must be God given reasons that Stafford is dog shit, but can certainly be used to say that every QB in the last half-century that ever won a playoff game has got to be better than Stafford will ever be.

Seriously do you ever read what you write in successive posts?

Of course not all. But some stats just don't translate. Like 1904 baseball and Babe Ruth later. You can't say he had this many yards or TD's in a time where they didn't throw as much.

Brewer had it right. Regardless of his TD in a certain amount of games it's just different now. And this isn't picking on Matt, it's just the way it is. So saying he's the quickest to this or quickest to that makes little sense. All that matters is now.. not even 5 years ago, now. Cobb won the HR crown with 9. For that year he was the best.

All I know is Matt is inefficient and about 14 times worse than Marino.
So yeah, records mean shit compared to 1957. You know Lions history?
Stafford through 77 games 21,710 yards 131 TDs 85 ints 83.6 rating
Peyton Manning 20,618 yards through 80 games 138 TDs 100 ints and 85.9 rating (80 games)
Brady through 77 games 18,029 yards 123 TDs 66 ints and 88.6 rating

Peyton Manning was 5-16 on the road vs teams with winning records at this point of his career.

Stafford compares to both of them.

5-16 vs 0-21? How does that compare? One was near 20% and the other at 0%.