Red and Guilty said:
MichChamp02 said:
oh boy... my retard MGoBlog friend/poster just got the book, and sent me an email saying Carr was worse than BM or RR, and therefore we can blame Carr for undermining RR...
this guy is an attorney.
I would not hire him to represent me.
I think the other side could tell him, "No, it was HIS fault we got drunk and hit him with our car, despite never having seen him before!" and he would automatically believe them and urge me to settle...
I don't get it. I posted in a few threads over there about how the book doesn't make a solid case that Carr started the insurgency and it fact, it does paint a picture where the insurgency rose from the way BM and RR handled the firings...and Carr kept quiet 'cause that's what Carr does. Every time, those posts get the equivalent of good karma...and when I asked if there was something I was missing that leads people to think he's the puppetmaster behind all this, nobody responded.
like I told my friend, my understanding is that Carr would not comment at all for the book. So everything in there regarding what he said or did is hearsay.
I'm not saying the book is WRONG, just that the evidence needs to be considered accordingly, and discounted in light of the fact that it's coming from RR, or sources close to him, and they had both at the time, AND since his firing, every incentive to place as much of the blame for the failure of the regime on Carr or Bill Martin.
Like I said earlier, after you posted that link where Carr welcomed RR in Dec. '07, the idea that Carr should have been constantly in the press praising RR was ridiculous. It wouldn't have helped, even if he did it. It may have even backfired for RR, by keeping the other guy in the headlines.
And certainly after RR threw Carr under the bus after the ohio state loss... no chance Carr was going to bat for RR after that point, nor should he have.
Nevertheless, I seem to remember that Carr did comment a few times about RR that he expected him to succeed and he was the man for the job when reporters got ahold of him and pressed him for comment.
I remain unconvinced that Carr didn't do enough, or should have done more. Some people will believe anything though...