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The Official Indiana vs ][V][ichigan Game Thread

This team's got a lot of 'splainin to do!
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Indiana was very very silly to not run the ball again. Don't know how they managed to win that game giving up over 200 yards rushing.

Brady Rudock had a billion Td Pass in the game.. If only he had one of those in the third quarter ovetime
never would have happened.. (Botched fg in third to) LOL
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Hell of a game. But beating Indiana in double overtime is a worse look than losing to nebraska on a shit call. Karma for all the Michigan homers i saw last week trying to stick it to sparty fans.
Chesson is playing his way into being a mid rd draft pick. Dunno his 40...but his football speed is insane.
Well, I will agree that IU is the best 0-5 in the B1G team. Every other B1G team they have played has been getting IU's luck.
Hell of a game. But beating Indiana in double overtime is a worse look than losing to nebraska on a shit call. Karma for all the Michigan homers i saw last week trying to stick it to sparty fans.

Screw that. Those fans talking shit deserved to have it rubbed in their faces. The no-call on Nebraska was crap, I agree, but I don't care; MSU lost and I hope it hurt.
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I actually feel really bad for those Indiana kids, they would have deserved that win.

Yeah i told my wife and kid we deserved to lose.. Every time my son walked into the room
something good happened for Michigan..

TD to force overtime.
TD to Butt.
Last TD.

I think he saw a total of 7 plays all game..lol
Hell of a game. But beating Indiana in double overtime is a worse look than losing to nebraska on a shit call. Karma for all the Michigan homers i saw last week trying to stick it to sparty fans.

So... WINNING a game is worse than LOSING a game?

Yeah, I'll take the "worse" every Saturday then.
Yeah i told my wife and kid we deserved to lose.. Every time my son walked into the room
something good happened for Michigan..

TD to force overtime.
TD to Butt.
Last TD.

I think he saw a total of 7 plays all game..lol

Bob, when we play OSU... ground your kid to the living room please?
Going to enroll as a student this week and walk on as an interior DL.

I can't be worse than what we just watched.

Horrid. Absolutely horrid.

Is pipkins even playing? You'd think him and Henry could clog the middle until Glasgow was back?
So... WINNING a game is worse than LOSING a game?

Yeah, I'll take the "worse" every Saturday then.

You always take the win. I said it was a worse look. Giving up close to 300 yards rushing and going to double ot vs a shit team...not good.
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Is pipkins even playing? You'd think him and Henry could clog the middle until Glasgow was back?

pipkins transferred. Harbaugh told him to retire because of his injuries and he told Jim to fuck off and left.