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Tigers 2022 Off Season for FA signings, trades, tender, nontender, Rule 5, to 2023

Totally Tigers

For the 2023 season, MLB will be instituting 3 new rule changes.
They are:

PITCH TIMER ? 15, 20 and 30 seconds between batters and pitchers in order to speed up pace of play. Trial runs also show that the rule increases stolen bases.

DEFENSIVE SHIFT LIMITS ? A minimum of 4 players on the infield that will help increase batting averages on balls in play.

BIGGER BASES ? A move from a 15? base to one that is 18?. A safety issue but a change that will also increase stolen base attempts.

For the complete details of each new change, you can check them out here:

Which rule change do you believe will help the Tigers the most?

Today?s blog addresses this dilemma and allows readers to share their thoughts in more detail. And hopefully, to actively engage with others by responding to their posts and creating back-and-forth discussion threads. The more the merrier!

For this one blog only, you?ve got 6 sentences max to share your thoughts.
Of course, you can respond to as many other readers as you want.

TT will supply the ammunition. One thought-provoking question. Several options provided. One hard choice to be selected. One vote.

Which rule change will benefit the Tigers the most?

1. Pitch timer

2. Defensive shift limits

3. Bigger bases

When asked earlier, Harris said the dimensions were being discussed however there were vast differences between what pitchers wanted and what positional players preferred.

Harris revealed earlier that pitchers and positional players are greatly at odds about changing Comerica's dimensions. It's why nothing has been done even though the topic was on the table.

Another data point if you're trying to read the tea leaves on the Comerica dimensions issue:

Michael Lorenzen said Tigers president Scott Harris used the size of Comerica Park as a "selling point."
