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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

Shit... don't make this last inning more stressful than it needs to be.
TBS "Too bad this is a four-run game, or that would have been a huge hit." Tools.
Coco is so so red hit at the plate. I'd have Someone up in the pen, why not?
Are we the only team coco crisp has an average against in his lifetime as a hitter?

On the radio pre-game, Dickerson mentioned Ajax and Crisp are way above the pack as leadoff hitters who score most often when they get on base.

Ajax was like 44% and Crisp was like 41%, so he obviously does it against other teams too.
Same old, same old

If they win, the players won despite Leyland

If they lose, it's Leyland's fault

put the shoe on the other foot for JL homers.

they turn a blind eye to all the bad decisions he makes.