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Tigers vs. indians Game Thread August 9

Tigers 7th inning, something dramatic pleas,

Avila takes high, fastball outside, lined past first baseman for a single,

Kelly pinch hit for by Santiago, sac bunt time, and dum dum bunts a high fastball in the air caught by pitcher and throws to first for another dum double play,

Jackson first pitch fly to right,

You are what You are.....And the Tigers are not a small ball team.
and my wife wonders why I drink so much in the summer......
We are out pitching the Indians, and we are out hitting the Indians.

Why does it feel like we're losing?
even the ump is trying to help us out, we should be winning this.
DB only at 48 pitches in four innings.. Why not leave him in? He was a starter at Toledo
jas5lf said:
Ump gave us one there. Strike 2 on Hafner was low.

Radio guys said that too, but GameDay showed it was a low strike, but still a strike.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]DB only at 48 pitches in four innings.. Why not leave him in? He was a starter at Toledo

I agree. Schlereth scares the hell out of me.