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Tigers vs. indians Game Thread August 9

This is starting to look like another walk off win for Cleveland isn't it.
since the ordonez/guillen stare down game, avila has been the only tiger to hit a homer???
TigerMud said:
This is starting to look like another walk off win for Cleveland isn't it.

hopefully not we still have jose to throw at'em...bob I hope you have a good bat tonight
Tigers 8th inning,

Boesch takes a strike, curve in the dirt, ground foul past first, yeah that is a big ball kid over at first, slider low, high fastball and he chases,

0 for 8 Jackson and Boesch,

Dirks first pitch pops to second,

pitching change, sipp out looks like pistano,

Cabrera takes a fastball way outside, again, slider breaks off the corner but strike call, chases another further outside crap, double crap,

this doesn't bode well....
It's frustrating, but the Indians have 4 relievers under a 3.00 ERA for a reason. These guys are solid pitchers.
God, ESPN is stupid.

Headline on the Nationals and Cubs game: Everybody have fun: Wang wins his first since 2009.

Don't the morons know it's pronounced "wong"?

Everybody have fun tonight, everybody wong chung tonight. <---whoever thought of it should be fired.
Bob we need the Whitaker and Kaline bats for the 9th and/or extra innings