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Tigers vs. indians Game Thread August 9

TigerMud said:
Big fella just doesn't have it this year.

I wouldn't go that far.... He's still one of the best hitters in the game.

edit: That being said I would love to see a few more key rbi's. How's that for on the fence?
With 4 perfect innings of relief tonight, Duane Below has retired all 22 batters he's faced in relief during MLB career
JimRice said:
It's frustrating, but the Indians have 4 relievers under a 3.00 ERA for a reason. These guys are solid pitchers.

They might be solid, but the Tigers have helped them out, Santiago's bunt, Dirks on 3rd and we cant plate him, strikeout and throwout double play.

The Indians pitching is not what's beating us.
Now pay extra attention here while Cleveland shows us how to get down a bunt.

Edit: fails but still gets it done even in failure. LOL.. wish we could do that.
pretty sure he should be taking DS out here, hope I'm wrong
OMG...a worse bunt attempt than Santiago's.....never thought it would be possible.

That's fuckin HUGE!
Schlereth 8th inning,

donald sinker outside, curve strike call, fly to center off the wall jackson plays it on the cr=arom throws to second late double,

now Leyland out to talk,

carerra shows bunt strike call, bunts it foul, grounder to Carlos moves the runner over anyways,

brantley that was a strike inside corner f*****ump, swings and misses,
suicide squeeze bunt attempt with runner coming and Avila has it and runs him down with the tag, brantley with egg on his face, fly to Boesch,

We get a big break there,

They are doing everything they can to give Detroit the game.