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Tigers vs. indians Game Thread August 9

Santiago has got some making up to do, or might he ph Betemit?
Tigers 9th inning,

Martinez takes outside, check swing strike on a slider in, low strike call, real low and martinez lets this horse crap ump know it, slider fouled, ground ball single past first,

and mudhen is the pinch runner for Victor,

Peralta takes a fastball high, checks his swing outside fastball, high again, strike call, fouled back full count, mudhen running fouled back, throw to first, fly to left center,

Carlos slider strike call, throw to first, strike call, fastball outside, fastball fouled back, again, changeup outside, grounder to second, throw is to first and mudhen to second,

Avila is intentionally walked,

Santiago watches a slider strike call, again, fastball outside, again, again, full count, runners going fouled off catcher, slider in fouled off, grounder to first,

another chance they screwed up.