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Tigers vs. royals Game Thread August 6

Verlander 4th inning,

maier out on strikes,

ump misses the first pitch slider to butler, fastball called strike, swinging miss on a changeup, ump misses a corner fastball, flys out to Jackson.

hosmer gets another chance pitch 6 is a curve strike called a ball, friggin ump small k zone, extra swing flhys to the warning track,

Verlander making extra pitches for small k zone #### ump,
JV with 58 pitches,

Tigers lead 3 - 0.
[color=#006400 said:
[quote="Monster ":aorfu3tc]is anyone watching this online? and where do you watch it?

I think people use game cast or mlb.tv[/quote:aorfu3tc]

I use gameday on mlb.com so i can atleast see the replays. If someone had a nice enough set up to run a password protected feed to justin tv or something feel free to let me know what the password is
For some reason my mlb.tv feed doesnt work at work...just sits there buffering.
Rangers batting. Bottom 1. 0-0. Michael Young was huge last night and Elvis raped the Tribe in extras.
Odds on Duffy making it through 3 batters this inning?
Wow, we kinda eased up on him that inning.

105 pitches though, wonder what kind of shape KC's BP is in? If they're rested he's probably done.
[color=#006400 said:
drivergreg said:
The one thing I've noticed about Verlander this year is that he's done a lot of scoreboard watching during his starts. A lot of people criticize it, but I'm not so sure it's a bad thing.

He pushes himself hard to pad his personal stats, but at the same time, it's paying dividends for the whole team.

Here's to 6 more innings of scoreboard dominance.

again sorry for all the mix up and difficulties last night. Glad you are here.

I think Verlander might be checking his fastball velocity on some pitches as someone else said.
and sure it is possible he is also watching the other Central game scores going on.

It's fine. I can understand the wariness, especially about someone like me who tends not to post often. Too many idiots will screw things for others. It's one of those laws of physics, I think.
Haha! take that Rookie....

Now get back to the dugout and finish your spaghetti.
On a changeup, like first batter gordon and Jackson's great catch.
well he strikes out spumoni breath giovatella,
sorry goombahs.
Rangers threatened. Failed to score. Tex-Clev are scoreless in the 2nd.