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Tigers vs. yankees ALCS Game Thread 3 Oct. 16

The crowd does seem rather subdued tonight, that's disappointing. expected better.

it is cold and rainy but still.. thought we were better than that.

The bottom of the 9th will be loud, hope it gets and stays real loud.
2 runs against a bunch of crap pitching is not good....thank god for jv and the shitty yankee lineup.
It's not going to happen and it shouldn't, but tonight would have been a good Valverde night...the wind is blowing in and killing all fly balls.
Verlander back out for the 9th.

If Leyland would have gone for the handshake of doom, I think Justin would have given the old guy a wedgie and dumped the gatorade bucket on his head...then gone out for the 9th anyways.
My gut feeling is that the Marboro man will pull him if he gets one guy on base - which would be a mistake.
I'm here at work, on my feet just like the crowd at Comerica, hunched over my work computer. I'm getting weird looks and I don't care.
My gut feeling is that the Marboro man will pull him if he gets one guy on base - which would be a mistake.

Doubt it...not with 1 base runner. Leyland has told him before when he goes out there in the 9th it's his game to finish.