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Tigers vs. yankees ALCS Game Thread 3 Oct. 16

It will wind up tied 2-2, then we will all form a posse and attack Gene for his complete and utter stupidity earlier.
Here we go....great outing again by J.V. Coke - PLEASE be on your game again.
go take a look at hitters averages against his slider and curve.

Maybe so but he had already shown Nunez way to many off speed pitches ... I disagree... Count was still 2-2 and a fast ball up would have done it..
The crowd does seem rather subdued tonight, that's disappointing. expected better.

it is cold and rainy but still.. thought we were better than that.

I blame this all on JV. I've never been more relaxed for any Tiger game this entire season and I'm not kidding. I haven't had a single butterfly or knot in my stomach. I've been more nervous for game #47 than I was tonight...and this board reflects that as well.

This is a 2-0 game and there was pretty much no complaining with the exception of Omar/Lamont play. Normally we are screaming about everything in a tight game. That's because this entire city knew JV was on the mound tonight and he was going to do this. I'm telling you he's turning us into complacent assholes. We just expect this guy to go out there and be perfect and he is. He spoils us rotten.

Now it's 2-1 and he is done for the night...now I'm nervous.
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I agree with move, maybe it doesn't work, but they are starting to see his pitches better.