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Today's example of Christians behaving badly

Christian tow truck driver (and Trump supporter) claims his Christian god told him not to offer to tow a woman because of her Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. link.

what a dick!

He believes Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists, and says he's had problems with two customers over the last six months who supported Bernie Sanders. He said they caused him problems over paying their bills.

"I've had some horrible experiences in the last six months with towing cars for this mindset individuals, in that I don't get paid. They want to argue about a $50 tow bill, and it turns into just a drama and a fuss. And I said, you know, I'm not going to associate with them, and I'm not going to do any business with them," Shupe said.

"I'm really not interested in doing business with that clientele," he said of Sanders' supporters.

He believes Bernie Sanders supporters are socialists, and says he's had problems with two customers over the last six months who supported Bernie Sanders. He said they caused him problems over paying their bills.

"I've had some horrible experiences in the last six months with towing cars for this mindset individuals, in that I don't get paid. They want to argue about a $50 tow bill, and it turns into just a drama and a fuss. And I said, you know, I'm not going to associate with them, and I'm not going to do any business with them," Shupe said.

"I'm really not interested in doing business with that clientele," he said of Sanders' supporters.
yeah I saw that. sounds like bullshit to me. and he could demand payment up front or run their credit card remotely. i thought that's how tow truck places usually work. they don't do shit for you til they have cash in their hands, or at least a way to charge you.
yeah I saw that. sounds like bullshit to me...

It is bullshit, but not for the reason the article is saying.

The truth is the driver is a lesbian, and she and her "special" lady friend were on their way to the court house to get gay married.

The tow guy made up the story about the Bernie sticker so he wouldn't get sued.
It is bullshit, but not for the reason the article is saying.

The truth is the driver is a lesbian, and she and her "special" lady friend were on their way to the court house to get gay married.

The tow guy made up the story about the Bernie sticker so he wouldn't get sued.

Nice, that thought was swirling around in my head but never materialized.

Fundamentalist Pastor Rapes 9-Year-Old on Her Father?s Grave

What a gem of a guy this ?pastor? is! After years of getting away with it, Mack Charles Andrews, Jr. of Thomasville, Alabama, was finally arrested in the fall of 2013 for the alleged rape and abuse of minor girls in his cult-like fundamentalist congregation. The abuse his victims claim was inflicted on them by this minister are truly nauseating. Andrews was the pastor of a United Pentacostal Church in Thomasville and was also the principal of Faith Christian Academy, the latter being even more frightening in light of the allegations.

In November, 2013, one now-adult victim came forward and described the abuse which began when she was just 7 in the fall of 1988. The abuse started with Andrews on various occasions inserting objects into her, items ranging from drumsticks to pens to a flashlight. She felt he was ?grooming? her, since she was too young and undeveloped to have full sexual intercourse.

Apparently, he decided the time was right for her to lose her virginity when she was 9. On her deceased father?s grave.

?He told me if I didn?t say anything, he would come back and put flowers on the grave. If I did, he said demons would come and get me from my bed,? she said. The abuse continued until she was 12 and left the congregation.

The 2013 arrest warrants also list the abuse of three other victims, two of them 13 and one 16 at the time the incidents occurred. There are believed to be others who were abused by Andrews over the several years he was pastor and principal. One girl was assaulted on a church trip to Texas, and she was also raped at Andrews? home. One of the most disturbing aspects of these two incidents is that both were witnessed by the pastor?s own daughter.

A 12-year-old victim, L.H., described how Andrews had told her she was ?sexy. ?On one occasion [she]went in the Defendant?s church office to take out the trash. The Defendant told her to ?grab it,? she thought referring to the trash. She went around his desk, and the Defendant had his penis in his hand.?

L.H. is not one of the four victims for whom Andrews is being prosecuted. Prosecutors do intend to use her story as well as the stories related by other victims unnamed in the warrants to show a pattern of unnatural sexual behavior towards underage girls.

Andrews has been in the Clarke County Jail under $500,000 bond since his arrest in October, 2013 on multiple counts of rape, sexual abuse, attempted rape, sodomy and sexual torture. His trial begins on Monday, November 16. A gag order has already been issued by the presiding judge. If convicted, Andrews could face life in prison, but will most likely be sentenced to much less.

In one of the articles about Andrews and his 9-year-old victim, this item eerily appears in the comments, supposedly written by the now-adult victim.

In Andrews? United Pentacostal congregation, which has since changed its name to New Life United Pentacostal Church, girls and women are strictly forbidden to wear make-up or jewelry or pants, and the church demands that all females wear full-length skirts.

Why is it that onerous restrictions are placed on women by various religious sects and cults, but very rarely on men? Why is it that females are considered solely to blame for the lust of the males? Why is it only a girl?s fault in the eyes of so many if she is raped or abused?

Maybe this guy can give us some of the reasoning behind it.

So according to the Rev Jeffie, ?your arms and your legs and your head and your eyes ? it all belongs to God.?

Okay, now I get it! Since a woman?s body belongs only to God, then who better to handle it on this side of heaven than?. TA DAH!!! a ?Man of God.? Makes perfect sense. Not.

What is it with some alleged ?men of God? and their propensity for sexual abuse? All our lives we are told that the priests and pastors and imams and other spiritual leaders are above the rest of us mere mortals. Except they, too, are mere mortals and the wise among them are fully cognizant of that fact.

Most spiritual leaders are as sickened and appalled by the behavior of pastors like Mack Andrews as the rest of us. They understand how important it is to recognize and prosecute abuse instead of shoving it into dark corners and locking it into purposefully ignored places. Ask the Catholic Church how well that has worked for them for centuries.

So what happened to that 9-year-old childwho was raped on her father?s grave? She has had her troubles in life. Many victims of childhood abuse do. ?I did a lot of drugs as a teenager, ran to a lot of places to escape, had a lot of promiscuous sex, and a couple failed marriages before being able to finally admit out loud that this was the root of what went wrong with me. I chose this forum to tell my story in a limited way because I wanted to be able to say it aloud without shame or feeling like I have to hide his sins anymore. I covered them up for 20 years.?

And what of the congregation that Andrews once led? Those who are so holy and righteous and in love with Jesus? ?The people of his old church congregation have all turned against me. In their blindness of the truth, they blame it on me because I came forth finally and told the truth?. It?s funny to me how people who so radically claim their salvation have shown no love of Christ to me or any other victims in this case. The really wild thing is some of those congregants are actually victims themselves.?
. . . his cult-like fundamentalist congregation . . .
. . . United Pentacostal Church in Thomasville . . .

Pentacostals already are questioned as Christians, at least in any biblical sense.

Now add that the congregation is even more fundamentalist than their own norm, and your putting this whole situation on Christians in general?

Just more stupidity from the zealot atheists. :*)
. . . his cult-like fundamentalist congregation . . .
. . . United Pentacostal Church in Thomasville . . .

Pentacostals already are questioned as Christians, at least in any biblical sense. [SIC]

Now add that the congregation is even more fundamentalist than their own norm, and your putting this whole situation on Christians in general?

Just more stupidity from the zealot atheists. :*)

whoa, whoa, whoa... pentecostals are definitely christians. who questions that? you? Dr. Ben Carson?
Pentacostals already are questioned as Christians, at least in any biblical sense.

The best kind of Christians, you know, the kind who go around questioning all other Christians.

Seems like the kind of thing the people from WBC would say.
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I wonder if this man is Christian enough


Man accused of threatening Arkansas mayors over Common Core, religion in schools sent back to jail

A Mineral Springs man accused of mailing threatening letters in January 2015 to seven Arkansas mayors is going back to jail on a federal judge’s order.

Maverick Dean Bryan, 55, was released by U.S. Magistrate Judge Caroline Craven after a detention hearing March 28 in Texarkana’s downtown federal building. Assistant U.S. Attorney David Harris was so opposed to Bryan’s release that he asked for a review of Craven’s decision by U.S. District Judge Susan Hickey, who presides over cases in the Texarkana Division of the Western District of Arkansas.

Hickey granted Harris’ motion for Bryan’s pretrial detention in an order handed down May 2.

Hickey’s order states that she reviewed a transcript of the detention hearing at which Craven released Bryan on an unsecured bond and determined that Bryan should have remained in custody as the government requested.

Hickey’s order notes that Bryan, during his detention hearing, freely admitted to writing the letters to the mayors.

The letters included threats to hang the mayors of Ashdown, Hope, De Queen, Lewisville, Nashville, Prescott and Murfreesboro from “mighty oaks” on courthouse lawns if they didn’t rid local schools of the Common Core curriculum and put religion back in the classroom.

Hickey’s order also addresses Bryan’s criminal history.

“Defendant has an extensive criminal history involving the possession of firearms. In addition to his three previous convictions involving firearms, Defendant has admitted that he was impermissibly in possession of a firearm on the day of his arrest,” the order states.

“Thus, Defendant has repeatedly demonstrated his unwillingness to abide by the laws concerning the possession of firearms by a convicted felon. This pattern of disobedience poses a threat to the safety of the community and gives the court little hope that Defendant would abide by any conditions set by this court.”

Bryan also admitted at his detention hearing to being the author of an advertisement that ran twice in the Thrifty Nickel last year seeking a $23 million loan to raise a Christian army to overthrow the U.S. government.

In a search warrant affidavit unsealed April 22, Bryan’s letter is quoted as demanding that the mayors no longer honor the votes of anyone who is homosexual, Muslim, socialist, communist, atheist, or who worships any God other than Jesus Christ, and that anyone fitting those definitions be required to “exit.”

Bryan’s case is scheduled for a jury trial before Hickey later this month.

If found guilty of threatening the mayors, Bryan faces a fine of up to $250,000 and up to five years in federal prison on each of seven counts of mailing threatening communications.
his parents named him "Maverick?" WTF is wrong with these Christians?
Priest convicted of sexually abusing 19 children: It was "a game" to me

? Instituto Manquehue 04 May 2016


At Sydney?s District Court on Monday Judge Peter Zahra said former Catholic priest John Joseph Farrell ?disregarded and took advantage? of his victims who he groomed over long periods of time.

Last month, Farrell was found guilty of 62 offences involving rapes and indecent assaults against three girls and nine boys over nearly a decade in the northern NSW towns of Moree and Tamworth.

As well as the 62 historical sexual crimes against children, a further 17 offences were taken into account when he was handed down a sentence of 29 years, with a non-parole period of 18 years.

He will not leave prison until 2033 at the earliest.

The disgraced ex-priest sat in the dock with his eyes closed as Judge Zahra told the courtroom how Farrell had assaulted his victims between 1979 and 1988.

Farrell was aware of, and exploited, the powerful position he held as a priest, the judge said.

Although some of Farrell?s crimes might have appeared to be spontaneous, they were in fact a result of the offender?s long-term grooming of the boys and girls which included gaining the trust of their parents, Judge Zahra continued.

At Farrell?s trial last month, the jury heard one of the victims, who was just 10 when the abuse began, was so trusting of the then-priest she convinced herself the assaults were ?OK with God?.

Victim Mark Boughton with his wife Belinda after former Catholic priest John Joseph Farrell was sentenced

The disabled victim, who can?t be identified, said in a statement tendered the court that the traumatising sexual abuse had continued throughout her teenage years.

?I naively assumed that God must have been OK with it,? she said.

Another of Farrell?s female victims would often try to escape when he visited her family home.

She would run to a friend?s house which led to her family becoming angry with her for being anti-social, she said in her victim impact statement.

?I kept the abuse quiet from my family as I was afraid of their reaction,? she said.

She told the court she had been robbed of her dream of having a husband and child.

?I have had plenty of boyfriends over the years but have always found sexual relations with them to be unpleasant,? she said.

?Although I made my body participate in the actions, my mind would remain detached.?

Before abusing the girls, Farrell had preyed on nine altar boys at Moree in the early 1980s.

He had raped one victim on the church?s altar and targeted others in a local swimming pool and during car trips to nearby parishes.

Many of those sitting in the public gallery of the courtroom wept as the sentence was handed down, while others clapped as the judge imposed a non-parole period of 18 years.
I remember when the news of this stuff first broke in the early 00's, church attendence & donations dropped WAY off, with the latter being even steeper than the decline in attendence. some people might still be willing to go church, but they sure as hell didn't want their money going to settlements to the Church's victims of child abuse. not sure why it mattered... did they think all their money was otherwise going to charity or something?

my mom told me around that time the priest from our local church sent out a letter basically begging people to come back to church, and asking what the church did to drive people away.

I guess he thought parisioners would be fooled into thinking he didn't own a TV, radio, computer with internet access, or ever open a newspaper. nor was church leadership communicating anything to him about the international scandal rocking it...
whoa, whoa, whoa... pentecostals are definitely christians. who questions that? you? Dr. Ben Carson?

Did you even do the minimal, and look Pentecostals up on Wiki? God forbid, don't let the facts get in your way.

Those people in that cult were as much Christian as you. Saying OYAY Jesus does not make you a Christian.

They differ in quite a few ways, and then this group bastardized even that. So yeah I question it ya idiot, I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't, or did you read that and think I somehow was saying some official church teaching says they aren't Christians?

32 arrested in human trafficking sting operation, 2 pastors charged with trafficking
WATE 6 On Your Side Staff
Published: May 20, 2016, 9:11 am Updated: May 23, 2016, 4:31 am

KNOXVILLE (WATE) ? After a three day investigation, agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and detectives with the Knoxville Police Department arrested 32 men and women on prostitution and human trafficking-related charges.

Two of the men arrested were charged with tracking. Both were pastors.

TBI said Grace Baptist Church?s children?s pastor, Jason Kennedy, responded to ads for what he thought were girls under the age of 18. Grace Baptist?s website lists Kennedy as a pastor for birth through fifth grade. He will appear in court on May 31.

?All of these people are somebody?s neighbor,? said TBI Director Mark Gwyn. During the three-day investigation, undercover agents posted ads on Backpage.com.

Court records say in Kennedy?s case, he allegedly responded to an ad on Backpage.com on May 19 via a text message. The records say he was made aware that a second female who was under 18 would be present and they negotiated a $100 fee for a half hour of sex with both females.

Kennedy was told to go to Pilot on Merchants Drive for instructions on where to meet the girls and was then told to go to Best Western on Pratt Road. The documents say he was then told the girl was only 15, but Kennedy allegedly said he wanted to have sex with both the underage girl and the other woman. After placing $100 on the counter and removing his pants, the documents say he was taken into custody by law enforcement.

Another man arrested, Zubin Parakh, served as a volunteer ?creative pastor? at Lifehouse Church in Oak Ridge, according to their website. According to documents, Parakh agreed to have sex with an undercover agent whom he believed to be 17-years-old. He agreed to pay $100 for 30 minutes. Life House Church of Oak Ridge says in a statement that they are saddened by what happened.

We are saddened today as a result of information relating Zubin Parakh who was a volunteer worker at our church. Our church and its leaders were not aware of any alleged misconduct regarding Mr. Parakh. However, we are praying for all parties involved.
We both ask for and hope our church family?s privacy will be respected throughout this process.

?Finding these people who are trying to buy Tennessee children is a priority for us,? said Gwyn. ?We want anyone responding to those ads to think there may be a TBI Agent on the other end of it. We will do whatever we can to make a difference in reducing the human trafficking that takes place in Tennessee.?

Grace Baptist said in a statement Kennedy has been terminated.

The children?s pastor of Grace Baptist Church has been terminated as as result of an arrest in a police sting related to prostitution and human trafficking.

The actions of the children?s pastor for which he has been arrested were part of his life outside the church, and we have received no questions or concerns related to his conduct within the church or its ministries.

The children?s pastor was hired two-and-a-half years ago. The church?s background check turned up no issues that indicate any previous problem. In fact, the children?s pastor in his application affirmed that he had no issues in his background of a criminal or other nature.

We are praying for his family and will continue to provide the services of our ministry to them.

The church said they will be available to provide care and information to their church members.

According to the Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking Kate Trudell, more than 90 minors are listed for human trafficking online in Tennessee each month. ?Human trafficking is a demand driven crime,? said Trudell.

During the investigation, more than 300 contacts were made to ads placed on the website, according to TBI. They said one of their agents posed as a juvenile girl and the ad received more than two dozen contacts.

?Human trafficking is a scourge on society,? said Knoxville Police Chief David Rausch. ?We will continue to commit all the necessary resources and work alongside our law enforcement partners to help protect our most precious resource our children.?

Those arrested face charges for patronizing prostitution, prostitution and more.
Christian closes her eyes to pray while driving, runs stop sign, crashes into house. Cops cite her for reckless driving.

how unfair... they should have commended her for doing something worthwhile and useful.

why, yes this happened in Florida, is that surprising?
praying is behaving badly? shouldn't there be at least a tinge of malicious intent for this thread? this is more stupid than bad.