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Today's example of Christians behaving badly

Yeah the good old relgious right!! So darn Christian of them !! What a bunch of hypocrites.
Yeah the good old relgious right!! So darn Christian of them !! What a bunch of hypocrites.

Are you more upset that it is hypocrisy and that they believe in Jesus, or just general hypocrisy?

In the situation in general - are you saying that because D. Trump says something stupid to a Muslim parent who lost a son in the war, that it is somehow incumbent on them that to not be considered a hypocrite, they must condemn the statements?

If that were the criteria, you might as well condemn everything any politician has ever said.

I hereby condemn anything any politician has ever said. So am I now not a hypocrite?

You need to read the crap you post sometime, truly.

BTW, this inviolate "out of bounds" area, has only become this way rather recently. It wasn't too long ago that families, who lost members in Vietnam, as well as those that had family members who survived, were roundly disliked and met with as much vitriol as you are now sending the Christians way for not condemning some stupid statement.

. . . or did you forget about that? Both things are wrong, but get this "inviolate" crap out of here - it is only inviolate when it suits your argument.
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Are you more upset that it is hypocrisy and that they believe in Jesus, or just general hypocrisy?

In the situation in general - are you saying that because D. Trump says something stupid to a Muslim parent who lost a son in the war, that it is somehow incumbent on them that to not be considered a hypocrite, they must condemn the statements?

If that were the criteria, you might as well condemn everything any politician has ever said.

I hereby condemn anything any politician has ever said. So am I now not a hypocrite?

You need to read the crap you post sometime, truly.

BTW, this inviolate "out of bounds" area, has only become this way rather recently. It wasn't too long ago that families, who lost members in Vietnam, as well as those that had family members who survived, were roundly disliked and met with as much vitriol as you are now sending the Christians way for not condemning some stupid statement.

. . . or did you forget about that? Both things are wrong, but get this "inviolate" crap out of here - it is only inviolate when it suits your argument.

Any and all gop candidates pander to hypocritical religious right all all time for votes . Yup gotta Rev up the base. But Trump's words against the Khan family were despicable and should be condemned by everyone including those so called realigious folks. I guess only far leaning rightys on this board are allowed to have a opinion . The GOP leader is a despicable human being and should have been condemned by all religions . Those comments are not stupid when they are being used by the possible next president. They are hateful .
Any and all gop candidates pander to hypocritical religious right all all time for votes . Yup gotta Rev up the base. But Trump's words against the Khan family were despicable and should be condemned by everyone including those so called realigious folks. I guess only far leaning rightys on this board are allowed to have a opinion . The GOP leader is a despicable human being and should have been condemned by all religions . Those comments are not stupid when they are being used by the possible next president. They are hateful .

Why because no president has ever said anything hateful, ever? Riiight, and anyway I thought we were talking about the hypocrites who wouldn't condemn it?

. . . and as long as I can use that criteria for calling someone a hypocrite, I'm all over condemning those statements.
here's a fun one!

"The Norwegian Catholic Church has been fined for overstating the number of its members in an attempt to receive more state funding."

link. Wonder if the Church will pay the fine or attempt to launch a crusade against Norway? In the good old days (the 1600's) trying to levy and enforce a fine against the Church would be cause enough to make Europe into bloody mess for a decades.
Pope Francis compares fake news to fecal fetish


everybody's fav fake news guy commented on this last night and has now decided to refer to the pope as turd goblin and that the catholic church has been taken over by a pedophile ring. I had to laugh... turd goblin.. lol turd goblin says those that get their news from fake news sites like infowars have a turd eating fetish. That doesn't seem very Jesus like of him. I was born and raised catholic, left it years ago from time to time contemplate going back but not anymore, turd eaters not welcome.

way to go turd goblin, alienate everyone with your un Jesus like remarks, go ahead, run it right into the ground for all I care.
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Pope Francis compares fake news to fecal fetish


everybody's fav fake news guy commented on this last night and has now decided to refer to the pope as turd goblin and that the catholic church has been taken over by a pedophile ring. I had to laugh... turd goblin.. lol turd goblin says those that get their news from fake news sites like infowars have a turd eating fetish. That doesn't seem very Jesus like of him. I was born and raised catholic, left it years ago from time to time contemplate going back but not anymore, turd eaters not welcome.

way to go turd goblin, alienate everyone with your un Jesus like remarks, go ahead, run it right into the ground for all I care.

Yikes. I'm with the Pope on this one.

Trump voters/believers are a bunch of shit eaters. It's grotesque... watch them continue to support him, as his cabinet appointees completely trash the machinery of government they depend on, further fucking them over along with the rest of the working & middle classes. they'll continue to cheer him all the way to the bottom.

... eating shit and loving it.
Yikes. I'm with the Pope on this one.

Trump voters/believers are a bunch of shit eaters. It's grotesque... watch them continue to support him, as his cabinet appointees completely trash the machinery of government they depend on, further fucking them over along with the rest of the working & middle classes. they'll continue to cheer him all the way to the bottom.

... eating shit and loving it.

Lol michchump agrees with the turd goblin, now there be some strange happenings

(jk, Pope seems like a dope fella.)

The Pope has been changing the tone of conversation without changing any official positions. He is also reportedly (and I don't know if those reports are biased) appointing relatively liberal/progressive Cardinals and not appointing very conservative candidates that some feel would normally be Cardinals at this point.
The Pope has been changing the tone of conversation without changing any official positions. He is also reportedly (and I don't know if those reports are biased) appointing relatively liberal/progressive Cardinals and not appointing very conservative candidates that some feel would normally be Cardinals at this point.

Well, of course, because the Pope is a big ol' commie himself.

Everybody knows that.
Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If we only paid heed to Our Lady, we'd be in much better shape than we are presently. And when people do, well, souls are converted by the millions.