it's not disingenuous at all I'm sure there are plenty of border agents in CA that agree with him.
"California wants a wall. They may not say it, but they do".
Would it have been better for you if he said: "some Californians" want a wall, they may not feel they are able to say it in such an overall liberal state but they do" would that have been more accurate than saying "California" wants a wall and made you happier?.
I mean are you really going to get all uptight over that remark? good grief I'm sure there are a billion better remarks he's made over the years far better to get upset over than that one, holy balls man.
...then stop interjecting race into the equation, implied or otherwise. I still don't know what you meant by "Everybody knows what he meant?" what did he mean?
The fact that he would NEVER repeat what he said on a live mic is proof enough that what he said was wrong
I don't believe that is correct, I believe he later indicated that he said shit house countries, not shithole. So again what did he mean sgg? the explanation that because he NEVER repeated it again doesn't cut it. I didn't ask if it was right or wrong I asked what you felt he meant by it? I also believe his examples of Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands was at least in part resulting from him having recently met with the Norwegian prime mister the day before if I recall, was still fresh on his mind in how those countries weren't run down shitholes. so again what does everybody know he really meant if not implying race related by "everybody knows what he meant".
Diplomacy 101? that's not who he is and that's one of the reasons he won sgg, he's not politically correct and says what's on his mind, some people consider that a good thing. right or wrong it's real and teleprompter free. Some people like that, find it refreshing. Does he say stupid things sometimes.. yup he sure does, has he said anything so outrageous yet that makes me regret supporting him overall, nope. the good still outweighs the bad for me thus far.