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Get StartedFrom the articlesome interesting background on how McMurphy put the story together, and why it was posted on his facebook profile, instead of on ESPN (link).
the whole thing was a huge F.U. to espn!
If you ask Ohio State fans, I know they?re opinion...
AD 1: ?In today?s landscape, the (Ohio State) president is scared shitless. The presidents and ADs were fired at Penn State and Baylor. When the president decides this starts going downhill and lies can be proven, then everyone will run for the hills. They can?t let it get out of hand because then you don?t know where it goes. If Ohio State can fire Woody Hayes and Jim Tressel, it can fire Urban Meyer.?
AD 2: ?I?m sure they?d love to keep him, but they have to first protect the university.?
AD 3: ?It looks like a smart move in this case to provide a layer of objectivity and separation regardless of the outcome.?
AD 4: ?No, there?s no way you can keep him. Believe me, they?re trying to see how far and wide people knew ? who knew what and when did they know. If they keep him, the onslaught will never end.?
AD 5: ?I think they will keep him if they can?t 100 percent fire with cause, because they don?t want to pay him.?
AD 6: ?I think they are trying to get a clear understanding of all the facts before determining the next steps.?
AD 7: ?There are many considerations/consequences and possible legal challenges to various aspects of the decision they could make. They will want to know all of that before conclusion. Ione would have to believe their goal is total integrity/credibility in final analysis, not popularity. They will want to stand strong behind whatever decision they reach.?
AD 8: ?I think they want to cover for whatever decision they come up with. The three board members and three outsiders gives good balance and is a defensible position on the outcome.?
AD 9: ?I believe they are trying to get to an objective truth and set of facts. It will take quite a bit of time and discovery (phone records, emails, documents from lots of people and sources etc.) to get to a point that he institution and board feels that they have a case for a solid and defensible decision (or grounds for defense from the counter suit if they fire him) either way.?
AD 10: ?Ohio State can?t afford to bring him back and then a year later something comes out. You did the first story, by now there?s 100 reporters trying to find anything new. When you have that many people looking they?re going to dig and dig and when you did that much, you?re going to find dirt. Nobody?s perfect.?
AD 11: ?I think they are handling exactly like they should with an independent group. Investigation has to be from outside athletics, trustees and board. Good job putting this group together.?
AD 12: ?This decision (on Meyer?s future) will be a true measure on the morality of college football in today?s landscape. That?s the reality. If he remains their coach, we?ve all lost our minds.?
AD 13: ?This is obviously big and three insiders and three respected outsiders will give the investigation credence. I think they are just looking to do it right.?
AD 14: ?You have to uncover everything based on how they?ve handled it so far, so the assistant?s (jobs) also could be at risk if they knew about it.?
AD 15: ?Separately, I imagine there is talk of settlement at some level ? but I?d be surprised if Urban gives in anytime soon.?
AD 16: ?This sets up as ?CYA? if they want to keep him. But they are smart to have someone else adjudicate this given how Baylor and Penn State initially handled their cases (which resulted in the presidents and athletic directors getting fired).?
- I think the timing here could indicate which way OSU is going with this. if it wraps up relatively quickly, that's a tacit acknowledgment that Meyer (amd maybe even the OSU admin) were aware of this all along and just going to reach a handshake agreement and go their own ways.
- a week plus means each side didn't like the other's offer has lawyered up and are estimating chances of success - but only to better position themselves in a settlement negotiation
- over a week or so... OSU is going to retain Meyer, and waiting until the press dies down a bit or some positive news "leaks" before making the announcement.
- I was thinking Meyer really has them over a barrel in terms of the coaching situation.... they can't name either of his top assistants HC because of their past issues, and it's way too late to bring in a new HC and hire staff. Did Meyer follow the Nixonian playbook here? Make yourself Impeachment Proof by picking a VP no one wants? Here he picked Schiano and Wilson in spite of their issues...
would OSU fire Meyer knowing they're flushing an entire season down the drain?
If this is a bona fide investigation, then OSU has to interview all the relevent parties, and some of them, like Zach Smith, may or may not cooperate. If they don't work for you, they don't have to voluntarily talk to you.
They also have to subpoena cell phone records and review all that, which will take time.
I still don't know if the OSU admin really wants Meyer gone, or just wants to wait for this to simmer down to announce their investigation is complete and they're retaining him.
The contract might say they can fire Meyer w/out any further compensation due him, but that doesn't mean they will.
OK. I've said nice things about the Buckeyes posting reasonable reactions. But I also don't want to give the impression there aren't voices bending over backwards to make Meyer the good guy.
This exploration the Courtney Smith's ethics describes how she was ethical in keeping things quiet so that Zach Smith could remain employed and support her children financially. Which is a prelude to the following mental gymnastics: if it's ethical for Courtney Smith to keep it quiet/keep Zach employed, then
there's an article on sports that actually has some new information.
I can't find it on my phone, but it's written by Pete Thamel
basically osu has empaneled an investigative board consisting of three university trustees, and two former assistant US attorneys for ohio, to investigate and make a decision on Meyer's employment. article only provides names of the attorneys; not sure what his sources were
This will take longer... although I'd imagine they'd still want to wrap it up before football season starts.
In theory, this panel should be unbiased, and neutral in their ruling. This would give OSU cover IF Meyer is retained of course, but may also make it more likely he would be fired, than if the athletic department handled it.
wrong word. they can't subpoena it as a court proceeding, but they can get phone records if they own the devices. I don't actually do investigations, so I don't know the specifics.
if urb and shelley weren't using university owned devices, they obviously have leverage to compel them to turn this stuff over as part of the investigation... if they don't cooperate, he's fired.
some interesting background on how McMurphy put the story together, and why it was posted on his facebook profile, instead of on ESPN (link).
the whole thing was a huge F.U. to espn!
OSU fan at work was all victim shaming, talking about how she "has issues." "After listening to her, she obviously has issues. Why didn't she go to the police? Why aren't we mad at the police? Why aren't we mad at Courtney Smith's parents for encouraging Courtney to not go to the police?"
Statement from Meyer, looks like he's working to stay. Admitting he knew, but also claiming to have reported what he was supposed to report (without specifying what that was specifically.)
Statement from Meyer, looks like he's working to stay. Admitting he knew, but also claiming to have reported what he was supposed to report (without specifying what that was specifically.)
I can really relate to where he's coming from.
I know if someone asked me a simple yes/no question like "did you knowingly keep a wife beater on your staff for 9 years?" I would also need days to prepare the correct answer. Otherwise I might mistakenly answer "no" when I mean "yes."
If he really did what he was supposed to do, I don't know that he did anything wrong.
According to this she - or somebody - went to the police a number of times.
The website linked to seems to have some association with The Cleveland Plain Dealer, the local paper of record there.
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