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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

It?s amazing how people like Tlaib, AOC, Presley, Omar, etc can routinely expose their own stupidity and ignorance almost as often as they open their mouths and continue to get elected. Not only do they get elected but lauded for their thought leadership. Reminds me of a phrase a former coworker repeated often, ?Spartanmack, it?s because human beings are so f?ing stupid.?
It?s amazing how people like Tlaib, AOC, Presley, Omar, etc can routinely expose their own stupidity and ignorance almost as often as they open their mouths and continue to get elected. Not only do they get elected but lauded for their thought leadership. Reminds me of a phrase a former coworker repeated often, ?Spartanmack, it?s because human beings are so f?ing stupid.?

There are a lot of politicians on both sides I never understand how they get re-elected, or even elected in the first place.
There are a lot of politicians on both sides I never understand how they get re-elected, or even elected in the first place.

Republicans managed to dump Madison Cawthorn. The nominee, Chuck Edwards, will probably win in November.

Primary challenges against Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert came up short. They will both probably be re-elected.

If any of the Ds SpartanMack mentioned in #523 faced a primary challenge, I didn?t hear about it.

All of those seven districts are pretty solidly in the camps of their respective parties.
Is this what Michelle meant when she said 'when Republicans go low, we go high?"

We can probably consider this more evidence that violence from right wing white supremacist terrorists represent the greatest threat to American security...
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Republicans managed to dump Madison Cawthorn. The nominee, Chuck Edwards, will probably win in November.

Primary challenges against Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert came up short. They will both probably be re-elected.

If any of the Ds SpartanMack mentioned in #523 faced a primary challenge, I didn?t hear about it.

All of those seven districts are pretty solidly in the camps of their respective parties.

I know at least Tlaib and Ilhan Omar faced well-funded challenges (particular dark money billionaire/corporate spending, and "pro-Israel" PAC money), and beat them both.

AOC has been quietly moving toward the center, and I don't recall off hand whether she faced a well-funded primary challenge in 2020. I doubt they'll run one in 2022. They have to figure if they do, they risk pushing her district into a member of the DSA or something, and AOC is "safe" compared to that.

I remember posting a thread or maybe a post somewhere that the entire squad survived their primaries in 2020.
I know at least Tlaib and Ilhan Omar faced well-funded challenges (particular dark money billionaire/corporate spending, and "pro-Israel" PAC money), and beat them both.

AOC has been quietly moving toward the center, and I don't recall off hand whether she faced a well-funded primary challenge in 2020. I doubt they'll run one in 2022. They have to figure if they do, they risk pushing her district into a member of the DSA or something, and AOC is "safe" compared to that.

I remember posting a thread or maybe a post somewhere that the entire squad survived their primaries in 2020.

Just checked. Omar?s challenge was pretty close; Tlaib not so much. Neither Democratic challenger seem like they would have been the first choice of dark money billionaire corporatists, but oh well. As Nancy Pelosi would say, those are districts that a glass of water with a D next to it would win in November.

AOC has moved to the center? Is that because Marjorie Taylor Greene has stopped calling her a little commie or she?s stopped tweeting about all the Republicans that want to fuck her?

Maybe she?s thinking about running for the Democratic nomination. She might as well, she?s not getting any younger.
I know at least Tlaib and Ilhan Omar faced well-funded challenges (particular dark money billionaire/corporate spending, and "pro-Israel" PAC money), and beat them both.

AOC has been quietly moving toward the center, and I don't recall off hand whether she faced a well-funded primary challenge in 2020. I doubt they'll run one in 2022. They have to figure if they do, they risk pushing her district into a member of the DSA or something, and AOC is "safe" compared to that.

I remember posting a thread or maybe a post somewhere that the entire squad survived their primaries in 2020.

Hmmmm, according to the FEC, from 1/1/21 thru 7/20/22, Ilhan Omar raised $2.4mm and spent $2.1mm on her campaign while her opponent raised and spent less than half those amounts at $1.1mm and .8MM, respectively. She outspent her opponent by >2x and won by less than 2%. Of course, Omar probably paid most of that money to her husband's company (not her brother husband, the one she married after she divorced her brother). I guess it pays to be an antisemitic bigot in Minneapolis.

Tlaib at $2.7mm raised and $2.2mm spent brought in 4.5x and spent 3.4x as much as her 2 best funded opponents COMBINED!

Sorry, tell us again which candidates had the well funded campaigns?
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It's the Bee but in all seriousness, it sounds like a good trade. What they call a "win-win."

The luckiest of the new Americans were the ones who arrived in Florida, where Governor Ron DiSantis immediately redirected them to Martha?s Vineyard, one of the hottest vacation spots in the world.
The luckiest of the new Americans were the ones who arrived in Florida, where Governor Ron DiSantis immediately redirected them to Martha?s Vineyard, one of the hottest vacation spots in the world.

Just got off the phone with my parents - my brother who moved from LA to Florida just arrived at their home near Naples Monday night. My dad joked that during live storm prep coverage, there was an aerial shot of I-75 bumper-to-bumper on the north bound side while the southbound side was empty except for a lone 20' UHaul truck.

He won't be able to unload the truck until after the storm so hopefully it doesn't get destroyed while they wait it out. If it does, maybe he can get DeSantis to fly him to Martha's Vineyard.
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Just got off the phone with my parents - my brother who moved from LA to Florida just arrived at their home near Naples Monday night. My dad joked that during live storm prep coverage, there was an aerial shot of I-75 bumper-to-bumper on the north bound side while the southbound side was empty except for a lone 20' UHaul truck.

He won't be able to unload the truck until after the storm so hopefully it doesn't get destroyed while they wait it out. If it does, maybe he can get DeSantis to fly him to Martha's Vineyard.

Yeah, I?ve been wondering why DiSantis didn?t just fly everyone in the evacuation zones to Martha?s Vineyard?

Here?s to everyone staying safe.
Look MC, another one of your incredibly stupid ideas is failing miserably in practice. But of course your team can't be blamed - you know, the whole "good intentions" thing you use to grant yourselves immunity still counts, right? Besides, who could have predicted it wouldn't work? I mean, besides everyone who isn't a moron, of course.

fatal overdoses have skyrocketed, with unintentional opioid overdose deaths jumping from 472 to 739 in 2021.
That's a 57% increase in the first year alone - ouch. Of course, that spike can't be attributed to legalization without consequences or the extremely deadly drug, fentanyl you keep telling us isn't deadly...since it's a myth that merely touching can kill, it can't be dangerous to shoot it into your veins so we shouldn't worry about it and stop using it as a boogey man to secure our border that doesn't need securing.

Data compiled by the Oregon Health Authority showed 16,000 people accessed services for drug treatment in the first year of decriminalization, but only 0.85% of those ? equivalent to 136 people *? actually entered programs to get them off drugs.
Most of those 16,000 were seeking clean needles, not rehab. Turns out, if there are no legal consequences or social pressure, addicts don't want to get off hard narcotics that make them feel good. Weird, right?

But you gotta love the mainstream media's spin on this abject failure - here's the headline from an ABC news story:

"After Rocky Start, Hopes Up In Oregon Drug Decriminalization"
$34mm wasn't enough to tell whether or not this obviously bad strategy would fail - throwing $300mm at it will almost certainly fix the problem. Rather than admit their failures, they're lighting more money on fire - if people aren't going to quit drugs and crime isn't going to go down, we should at least let our cronies profit from it through exponentially more graft.
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Oregon loosens the penalties for "recreational" amounts of drugs, legalizes the sale of weed, then collects about $200M a year in tax revenue from the sale of weed, then spends even more money to try to treat drug addicts. Nice plan.
so the same goons who profited from the failed "war on drugs" are now floating soundbites the media about how reform efforts aren't working... since I wasn't born yesterday, I'm not going down that path.

Surprised you dumbasses haven't posted about "rainbow fentanyl" from Mexico here yet. I hear it's really scary.
so the same goons who profited from the failed "war on drugs" are now floating soundbites the media about how reform efforts aren't working... since I wasn't born yesterday, I'm not going down that path.

Surprised you dumbasses haven't posted about "rainbow fentanyl" from Mexico here yet. I hear it's really scary.

it's not soundbytes and it's not coming from the the "goons" who profited from the failed "war on drugs." It's data from the state of Oregon on the impact of decriminalizing drugs in the state of Oregon. Do you think the uber liberal state of Oregon is producing false and misleading data to make a high profile and high priority program they pushed through look like a failure?

Here's another piece from Oregonlive.com that quotes Keith Humphreys, psychologist and addiction researcher and Stanford professor who started the Stanford Network on Addiction Policy, among others.

In the piece, Humphreys is quoted as saying:
"Addicted people usually do not seek treatment and recovery without external pressure from family, friends, employers, health care providers or the law. Why does this matter? It matters because Oregon has removed all legal pressure to stop drug use and seek treatment. Because many addicted people are not working or in touch with their family, those pressures to stop using drugs and alcohol are absent from their lives,"

Obviously, you don't want to "go down that path" because that path is full of evidence you can't refute, so instead you impugn the source (in this case you make up and assumed source, then impugn that) so you don't have to defend another monumentally stupid idea you refuse to admit is monumentally stupid.
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Oregon loosens the penalties for "recreational" amounts of drugs, legalizes the sale of weed, then collects about $200M a year in tax revenue from the sale of weed, then spends even more money to try to treat drug addicts. Nice plan.

they spent WAY more money than they brought in to fail miserably at treating addicts and instead, created more addicts AND far more overdose deaths.

But hey, someone profited from the war on drugs and this approach is probably less barbaric and reactionary, even though the evidence and logic say otherwise.
so the same goons who profited from the failed "war on drugs" are now floating soundbites the media about how reform efforts aren't working... since I wasn't born yesterday, I'm not going down that path.

Surprised you dumbasses haven't posted about "rainbow fentanyl" from Mexico here yet. I hear it's really scary.

The best part of this is you complain about the money made off the failed war on drugs while supporting a program that just got a 10x bump in spending ($300mm for one state - basically one city) after causing a 57% increase in overdose deaths. In your mind that?s not failure. It?s hard to be more willfully ignorant than that.

By the way, much of that increase is driven by the proliferation of fentanyl. The data clearly shows it?s far more dangerous than heroine or meth. But since you refuse to ?go down that path? you can ignore facts and data to pretend it?s just media scare tactics.