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Ferguson, MO

I think everyone here agrees with this, although, cops should still be held to the "reasonable person" standard of when they can perceive themselves to be in danger... they shoot people too damn often, and are rarely held accountable for their trigger happiness.

not sure if the stats are true. but I think I saw a graphic that said like 250 whites were killed by cops guns and 150ish blacks were killed by cops guns in 2012. That doesn't seem like a lot to me. It seems like it happens a lot because we move from one race motivated story about this to another.....over and over and over. But 400 people killed a year by cops doesn't seem much to me....
race aside. If the allegations are true. Anyone that reaches into a cops car or continues to go toward a cop after hes told to stop should be shot....probably several times.

Oh, I dunno...what if the cop is packin' a Magnum 44, and blows the perp's head clean off on the first shot?

Seem anymore shots after that are just a waste of bullets...


Maybe the clip is a little bit overstatement, I dunno...but the younger posters on this board might not have gotten the reference...
I think it's a reference to this:

... but then again, I don't watch pro wrestling.

ya I cant read that....so ill go with this:

Oh, I dunno...what if the cop is packin' a Magnum 44, and blows the perp's head clean off on the first shot?

Seem anymore shots after that are just a waste of bullets...


Maybe the clip is a little bit overstatement, I dunno...but the younger posters on this board might not have gotten the reference...

This is by far the most underrated movie of its genre ever...Shakedown, with Peter Weller and Sam Elliott...

Watch Elliott at 1:35...it's a line that rivals Eastwood's...


You guys who like cop action adventure shoot 'em ups...this one is great...hope you can find it if you've never seen it, because it's awesome...
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not sure if the stats are true. but I think I saw a graphic that said like 250 whites were killed by cops guns and 150ish blacks were killed by cops guns in 2012. That doesn't seem like a lot to me. It seems like it happens a lot because we move from one race motivated story about this to another.....over and over and over. But 400 people killed a year by cops doesn't seem much to me....

and of course, if those numbers reflected the actual % of the population, only about 40 or so blacks would be killed out of 400.

also: your numbers there are probably WAY to low.

I'm trying to find it, and can't right now, but I read an article last night that Eric Garner's death wouldn't be reported to the FBI as a police killing, even though it was recorded as a homicide by the medical examiner.
and of course, if those numbers reflected the actual % of the population, only about 40 or so blacks would be killed out of 400.

also: your numbers there are probably WAY to low.

I'm trying to find it, and can't right now, but I read an article last night that Eric Garner's death wouldn't be reported to the FBI as a police killing, even though it was recorded as a homicide by the medical examiner.

true...blacks hold a lower % of the population. But its also fact that crime rates are higher in poverty stricken areas where the black population tends to rise drastically. Especially in areas where the necessity to shoot to kill occurs. Now im sure someone will call me a racist....but im just providing information lol.
man...they really did a bang up photoshop job. I couldn't even tell it used to say that. Wonder what font they use to photoshop that.

if you look closely, it looks like they used letters that are already on the sign. I'm not good with photoshop, but I wouldn't think it'd be too hard to just cut out a letter at a time and put them together to make new words.
true...blacks hold a lower % of the population. But its also fact that crime rates are higher in poverty stricken areas where the black population tends to rise drastically. Especially in areas where the necessity to shoot to kill occurs. Now im sure someone will call me a racist....but im just providing information lol.

it would be interesting to see whether that's true, if you control for income. Whites live in poverty stricken areas as well... is the rate of police shootings similar?
What the fuck are you talking about?

You are ignoring all known facts and coming up with conclusions that make the rioters look intelligent.

Nobody is saying that its ok that he was killed because he robbed a place. The robbery shows WHO Brown was and the mindset he has, which is of a thug who has no regard for law. This is part of the process to determine guilt or innocence since eye witnesses were so unreliable.

What is more likely, that a thug like Brown assaulted the officer and became a big enough threat that he was kiled or that Brown robbed that store, walked away, and wilson killed him after he did nothing to earn a bullet in the head?

I'm talking about a large amount of people constantly taking the position "Mike Brown was a thug/robber" when discussing his death. His robbery/retail fraud had nothing to do with the incidents of his death. The only reason to bring it up is as implicit justification that it is ok to kill him because he is a bad individual.
Robbed the store, fought with cop, tried to grab cops gun, ran approximately 100', turned to face police officer who remained close to car, Brown moved TOWARD cop despite orders to stop and shots fired prior to kill shot which happened no more than 10' from the cop. Hands up or not, moving toward a cop in defiance of orders to stop in that situation will get you shot at and still continuing toward the cop SHOULD result in your death as you are presenting yourself as a threat to the cop.

Why is this so difficult to grasp?

You talk about all of that as if it were known fact when almost all of it is disputed to some extent. Most of that is an assumption of what is true being made by you taking the positions you most likely want to be the truth. I don't know what the truth is exactly but you won't see me making assumptions and speaking of every little detail as if it were fact.
Yeah that's the same. Now if you went over to a cop's house and while sitting on his sofa you started to beat on him than yeah..It wasn't that he just robbed a store, it's he robbed it -- saw a policeman, reached into his car and started to fight.

You missed the point. The point is that there is no reason to mention my past indiscretions in that scenario unless you are trying to justify my death.
Resisting arrest is a crime in Michigan. People get charged with it all the time. Look it up. And it's clear from the autopsy report that he was NOT choked but what difference does a medical examiner's report make? You've seen a video - one that shows he wasn't in a choke hold.

More serious instances of 'resisting arrest' get dismissed before a trial on more than one occasion often in this state. Some Judges in the area believe a suspect needs to physically strike or obstruct an officer before that charge can be sustained, and certainly a good amount of juries probably won't convict for pulling your arms away.
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You talk about all of that as if it were known fact when almost all of it is disputed to some extent. Most of that is an assumption of what is true being made by you taking the positions you most likely want to be the truth. I don't know what the truth is exactly but you won't see me making assumptions and speaking of every little detail as if it were fact.

I basically said the same things and got called a piece of shit racist.

So maybe tread carefully.
You missed the point. The point is that there is no reason to mention my past indiscretions in that scenario unless you are trying to justify my death.

Why not? Past discretions give a persona of what an individual is like. But no one is saying he robbed a store so he should die. Its the whole sequence of events that lead to his death. That was just part of it and it set it in motion.
Why not? Past discretions give a persona of what an individual is like. But no one is saying he robbed a store so he should die. Its the whole sequence of events that lead to his death. That was just part of it and it set it in motion.

I would agree with you if the general tenor was "he robbed a store and the officer knew about it, so the officer thought he was violent which would explain why he shot him". But the tenor I keep hearing (and I mean in public/news media not necessarily on these boards) is more along the lines of he wasn't an innocent victim he was a violent criminal. Saying it like that has an implicated tail of "and therefore its ok that he was shot and killed" because there is no other reason to put it that way because it is no longer a justification for the action but for the result.

If people really meant it the other way they would say, the officer believed him to be a violent criminal.
Well it would appear the globlist get us all fighting with each other divide and concur plans are working well

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If you carry a gun....and a guy (black white orange green) that just robbed a store comes running at you. What do you do?

id probably pull out my gun and tell him to stop. And when he doesn't stop....what do you do?

Id probably shoot him.

I don't carry a gun so it my scenario the green guy would probably beat the shit out of me and take all of my money. But if I had a gun...id go call of duty on his ass. 2.2 k/d ratio bitches.
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You talk about all of that as if it were known fact when almost all of it is disputed to some extent. Most of that is an assumption of what is true being made by you taking the positions you most likely want to be the truth. I don't know what the truth is exactly but you won't see me making assumptions and speaking of every little detail as if it were fact.

Fact: according to Dorian Johnson during his 'interview' with Chris Hayes...

"Brown didn't charge at Wilson, he was just walking towards him with his hands up."

Now let's look at more physical evidence:

The distance from the front wheel of the officer?s SUV to Brown?s body was 153 feet and 9 inches, an investigator said. Farther away from the car, the investigator showed with photographs, were two blood-spatter patterns ? evidence showing that Brown was moving toward the officer, and the car, when he was killed in the second flurry of shots.

Please explain to me where I am using anything other than facts and statements by Johnson in coming to this conclusion which you claim I am slanting. From whom and where are you getting the info that Brown moving toward Wilson is able to be disputed? By some other witness? Despite Johnson's statement? Despite the physical evidence?

Brown moved toward Wilson. And the physical evidence based on the blood splatter has shown Brown was not at a slow pace. Was he running/charging? I do not have that info, but the claims by many eyewitnesses that he was barely moving, or was staggering toward Wilson is completely disputable based on the blood trail evidence.

Go ahead, make me out to be wrong here. Come on, your side is up. Somehow explain to me how Brown was not moving toward Wilson. You CANNOT do that without directly contradicting the blood evidence and science. But somehow YOUR use of the witness statements is more accurate, right? Those witnesses are somehow able to change science and make their opinions the true reality, either that or you are just on their side because you have an agenda.

Hey, at least your agenda has made it possible for Wilson to now fear for his life and receive death threats. Not to mention your side has created an increase in racial tension across the US. Your side has caused how many millions of dollars in damage from rioting, arson, and looting.

Yeah, let's listen closer to what your side has to offer in all of this, because that damn science thing is not going to promote hatred and racial tensions, so let's just keep pushing our agenda and "Burn this bitch down!"
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I would agree with you if the general tenor was "he robbed a store and the officer knew about it, so the officer thought he was violent which would explain why he shot him". But the tenor I keep hearing (and I mean in public/news media not necessarily on these boards) is more along the lines of he wasn't an innocent victim he was a violent criminal. Saying it like that has an implicated tail of "and therefore its ok that he was shot and killed" because there is no other reason to put it that way because it is no longer a justification for the action but for the result.

If people really meant it the other way they would say, the officer believed him to be a violent criminal.

Who punches cops? Violent criminals. Period. There is no other answer to that question.

Being considerably larger than Wilson and having already scuffled and punched him, then moving toward him AFTER being shot at and even likely hit by at least one bullet yet still moving toward the cop. The cop isn't firing bullets to say "come toward me". Brown is not yet in a Life or Death situation, he could peaceably surrender and follow all instructions from Wilson, lie face down, allow himself to be handcuffed and placed in the police vehicle in a peaceable manner. Instead he chooses to move with some level of speed toward Wilson as based on the blood splatter evidence (but let's not let physical evidence bring reality into any of this, right?).

If you are the smaller cop, have already been punched by this guy during a scuffle where you interpreted the much larger guy to have been trying to get your gun (not an unreasonable interpretation, one that multiple people in that situation would make), and this guy is moving toward you despite you firing additional shots...yeah, I just cannot understand why Wilson would have viewed Brown as any kind of threat. Just CANNOT IMAGINE IT! I cannot envision any way, shape, or form that Wilson could have come to the conclusion that Brown was a violent criminal who was willing and able to once again attempt any type of violence toward Wilson. How dare he shoot Brown in a manner that could be easily considered self defense!!!???!!!???