you haven't won an argument on this board yet. You make stupid statements and back them up with even dumber ones.
It all started when you said that 0% of the stalled drives were on Stafford. That was the stupid statement that started it all. It isn't possible that there were 4 drives that ended without points (3 and outs) and Stafford had no "blame" in any of them. He is the one that makes the decisions where the ball goes, he is able to audible out of any play he wants, he has to have some responsibility in the outcome of drives. He gets the credit (which almost all of us have given him credit for having a good game) for the good drives, he has to have some of the "blame" for the drives that don't end well. It doesn't mean he didn't have a good game.
There would never have been any kind of "argument" if you didn't make the stupid statement to begin with.
Now, please just go away. Go put on your Matt Stafford P.J.s and jerk off to the Stafford poster that is very likely on the ceiling above your bed.