If you want to make the ridiculous argument that a QB is the only reason a team wins or loses on the road, then sure, your point is valid.
But the minute you decide a QB is the primary reason for losses, you have to also admit that a QB is the primary reason for wins, in which case, he's got 11 wins to his credit this season, and only 5 losses.
Now, that's obviously a hugely flawed argument in it's own right. But there are 11 men on each side of the ball, each snap, and to blame one guy at one position is just stupid in my opinion.
Love ya Mitch, but I find that wins/losses argument about as valid as pinning wins and losses on a pitcher in a team sport. I can't count the number of great pitchers who lost 1-0 ballgames. Why? Team sport and one guy can only control so much.
Football? Team sport, and while a QB controls a lot, he only controls so much. Those aren't Stafford losses or wins, they are Lions losses and wins, and every man on the field should are in the blame or glory.