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I will say what others will not

I knew saying something like this would pull out the racist card. But to answer your question, no. Just stating something I have observed over 30 years.
saying that a black person is black is not racist...

i think it would be insulting to not realize this.
You're right. I wouldn't say it. Not because I'm afraid, but because it's incorrect. Just stupid.
This will be bumped for years to come cause all we have is black QB'S for now.
Last years champ had a black qb...

You can say they usually aren't great passers. But they do work.
josh200612 said:
This will be bumped for years to come cause all we have is black QB'S for now.

Hopefully, its bumped because we have a successful black QB.
Its off to the races with this one. Yes - I'll adjust the comment a bit - black QBs, for the most part, are not as accurate passers as their white counter-parts.
Geezuzz, wtf are we talking about? It was all the game plan, nothing else. We should have been in this game to win if the O game plan didn't suck-so-bad in the first half.
Clearly, this is mature discourse, worthy of not being locked and deleted.

Really, the game thread in your eyes is worse than this?!
bamf16 said:
Clearly, this is mature discourse, worthy of not being locked and deleted.

Really, the game thread in your eyes is worse than this?!

Well, there aren't any cusswords or threats in this thread, I guess...

Still, an educated discourse on the success, or lackthereof, of black QB's shouldn't be banned subject matter.