You don't even call that play with LeShoure. Stafford did a good job on the play is all that matters so he gets credit. He knows how to make use of his weapons. Like I said, more than one person gets credit.
Drops,tips, poor separatoin but a good throw by Stafford is all Stafford doing his job.
Does Wilson have all those TDs if his defense didn't get 39 turnovers. The answer is no given Wilson's attempts.
So the play is called based on player on the field, which means their skill is the main reason you call the play and is the more determining reason for its success. I don't recall the play being an audible, if it was that is a good call by stafford. I'll have to rewatch the play later.
I never said he was the only reason for the lions failures. You need to get out of the mindset that any criticism = 100% blame.