Excuse, after excuse, after excuse. Enough. Teams deal with adversity, bad luck, fluke plays all year. But believe it or not, they play through those things. The Lions don't, they wilt. You can throw all the excuses and stats to talk about how amazing this team can be, but the bottom line is they have NO clue how to win. Whether it be getting a big lead and blowing it, or making huge mistakes, there is no killer instinct on this team.
Green Bay played without Rodgers for damn near the entire year, and STILL found a way to win this division. That's because they are a winning organization. They know how to make things work, they can figure out how to adjust their team to win. Lions don't have a clue. Maybe when I'm 50 they'll figure it out, the Kool-Aid drinkers will continue to make excuses and talk about potential. And after all this time, after all the Draft Super Bowls, they haven't done crap. Stop covering up for this franchise.
I said that once "maybe when I'm 50". I'm 48 and running out of time..
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