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OT Joe Pa and Penn St


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2011
what a mess! I hear that he is about to get fired....and he deserves it. Talk about a ruined legacy in 72 hours.
Yeah he should be gone. One guy tells another and then another and then another and no one calls the police, stupid ****in people.
If one of those were my kids Jerry Sandusky would be a dead man!
I have never been in JoePa's situation but I would like to think I would do more than what they did. I know I would not have anyone around my program that I would have to tell not to bring kids around the campus.

First, beat Sandusky down. If you can't do it your self, bring friends. Second, call the police. Third, tell your supervisor.

I can't think of a scenario where if illegal activity was going on, I would call my boss before the police. And I worked for a company who's policy on shoplifting was to call the loss prevention district manager before calling the police, no matter how much they were stealing.
That's it. That 28 year assistent or whatever he was at the time sees it and goes to Paterno? How about putting the stomp on Sandusky and getting the child out of there. Stupid ****in people.
he's thinking back......did the mother ****er boink me while I was sleeping???
It pisses me off that this comes out as/after JoePa passes Eddie Robinson on the all-timewins list. Did discovery get delayed so he could get the final 60-70 or so wins? This is garbage.
Joe Pa should have retired 10 years ago...he hung around for the record
As a Penn Stater, Joe Pa should be gone. The day he found out Curley and Schulz were going to sweep it under the rug you call the police. Same with McQuery,grad student now assistant coach. He should have called the police right away and avoided all of this. Such a damn shame. Sandusky is a monster and I'd put a bullet in his head myself right now.
In all honesty, Sandusky was his boy. If someone accused one of my good friends of something like that, especially somebody I barely know at work, I'd have probably ripped the witness to shreds and not wanted to believe it.

I'm not saying its right, but I can be honest with myself and know that I wouldn't want to believe something like that about someone I call friend.

Should Joe have done more? Obviously. A lot of kids were hurt and he did have a responsibility to do more. But I know if someone told me that about a man I called friend I would take it to the next person in the chain and pray they found out it was all bullshit too.

Where I think Joe wet wrong was in not revoking his access to the facility. For all we know this witness report was the first of many kids and this creep had a nice hiding spot out of public view I do it because no one took away his access.

I honestly feel for JoePa in this one. I can't imagine how hard this must be for him to deal with. He put his faith is his friend an found out it may have led to kids being abused.
Sandusky was on campus last week...lol

Paterno's a ****ing idiot and an enabler.
inkfreq said:
In all honesty, Sandusky was his boy. If someone accused one of my good friends of something like that, especially somebody I barely know at work, I'd have probably ripped the witness to shreds and not wanted to believe it.

I'm not saying its right, but I can be honest with myself and know that I wouldn't want to believe something like that about someone I call friend.

Should Joe have done more? Obviously. A lot of kids were hurt and he did have a responsibility to do more. But I know if someone told me that about a man I called friend I would take it to the next person in the chain and pray they found out it was all bullshit too.

Where I think Joe wet wrong was in not revoking his access to the facility. For all we know this witness report was the first of many kids and this creep had a nice hiding spot out of public view I do it because no one took away his access.

I honestly feel for JoePa in this one. I can't imagine how hard this must be for him to deal with. He put his faith is his friend an found out it may have led to kids being abused.

Dude, shut up.

He did nothing. Not even the bare minimum. Didn't follow up, or confront his "friend". Just sat on his ass.
inkfreq said:
In all honesty, Sandusky was his boy. If someone accused one of my good friends of something like that, especially somebody I barely know at work, I'd have probably ripped the witness to shreds and not wanted to believe it.

I'm not saying its right, but I can be honest with myself and know that I wouldn't want to believe something like that about someone I call friend.

Should Joe have done more? Obviously. A lot of kids were hurt and he did have a responsibility to do more. But I know if someone told me that about a man I called friend I would take it to the next person in the chain and pray they found out it was all bullshit too.

Where I think Joe wet wrong was in not revoking his access to the facility. For all we know this witness report was the first of many kids and this creep had a nice hiding spot out of public view I do it because no one took away his access.

I honestly feel for JoePa in this one. I can't imagine how hard this must be for him to deal with. He put his faith is his friend an found out it may have led to kids being abused.

There's no excuse for putting your head in the sand when faced with allegations like this. No excuse at all, friend or not. You have no integrity and we've seen that Paterno has none either.
My think with McQueery is how on earth do you see someone rapping a child and not stop it. You have a moral obligation to step in and save that child and call the police on the spot. Instead he told his father and they went to JoPa's house to talk to him. What he did is just as bad as if he had held the kid down. They keep saying well they barred him from campus with kids but in reality they didnt. They did the bare minimum in order to not tarnish their beloved program. God only knows how many children were hurt because everyone was to worried about their own lives to save them. They should be ashamed of themselves.
A buddy of mine that I used to play rugby with was actually teammates with McQueary in high school. McQueary was a quarterback and my boy played running back. My boy is completely shocked by everything, speechless can't believe McQueary would do nothing. He did however tell me a funny story about how McQueary got caught jerking off at a Notre Dame basketball camp.

I'm a Pitt guy so seeing bad things happen to Penn State is usually enjoyable, but this is terrible...A shame that this went on and people knew. Disgraceful....
[color=#006400 said:
inkfreq said:
In all honesty, Sandusky was his boy. If someone accused one of my good friends of something like that, especially somebody I barely know at work, I'd have probably ripped the witness to shreds and not wanted to believe it.

I'm not saying its right, but I can be honest with myself and know that I wouldn't want to believe something like that about someone I call friend.

Should Joe have done more? Obviously. A lot of kids were hurt and he did have a responsibility to do more. But I know if someone told me that about a man I called friend I would take it to the next person in the chain and pray they found out it was all bullshit too.

Where I think Joe wet wrong was in not revoking his access to the facility. For all we know this witness report was the first of many kids and this creep had a nice hiding spot out of public view I do it because no one took away his access.

I honestly feel for JoePa in this one. I can't imagine how hard this must be for him to deal with. He put his faith is his friend an found out it may have led to kids being abused.

Dude, shut up.

He did nothing. Not even the bare minimum. Didn't follow up, or confront his "friend". Just sat on his ass.

I'm not going too sit here and pretend I know everything about thiss case, but I know they said he spoke to a Grand Jury. Doesn't exactly sound to me like he did nothing.

Somehow he ended up testifying. How is that nothing?

And the result of that Grand Jury was not a finding of guilt. I don't know if he was found innocent or what, or if it's even over yet...but how do you crucify a guy and say he did nothing when he offered his sworn testimony to a court of law?

If they find that he purjured himself to cover his buddy's ass, I'd agree with the public outcry against him... but I just haven't heard anything yet that suggests that's the case.

All I have heard is that Joe didn't escelate things higher than his boss and didn't revoke access to the facilities, and I'm not even sure a coach has the authority to revoke that acccess. Maybe he does, but I just don't know.

It sounds to me like JoePa ****ed up, but I hear a lot of people wanting to cast him into the fires with Sandusky like JoePa was diddling little boys... but that's not the case.
inkfreq said:
[color=#006400 said:

Dude, shut up.

He did nothing. Not even the bare minimum. Didn't follow up, or confront his "friend". Just sat on his ass.

I'm not going too sit here and pretend I know everything about thiss case, but I know they said he spoke to a Grand Jury. Doesn't exactly sound to me like he did nothing.

Somehow he ended up testifying. How is that nothing?

And the result of that Grand Jury was not a finding of guilt. I don't know if he was found innocent or what, or if it's even over yet...but how do you crucify a guy and say he did nothing when he offered his sworn testimony to a court of law?

If they find that he purjured himself to cover his buddy's ass, I'd agree with the public outcry against him... but I just haven't heard anything yet that suggests that's the case.

All I have heard is that Joe didn't escelate things higher than his boss and didn't revoke access to the facilities, and I'm not even sure a coach has the authority to revoke that acccess. Maybe he does, but I just don't know.

It sounds to me like JoePa ****ed up, but I hear a lot of people wanting to cast him into the fires with Sandusky like JoePa was diddling little boys... but that's not the case.

the purpose of a grand jury is to see if there is enough evidence to warrant a trial. there has been proven to be substantial evidence to go forward with a trial, and it will begin in december.

honestly though...it sickens the **** out of me that someone witnessed what i've read looked like anal sex on a young boy. come the **** on. i dont care if it's my brother, i'm knocking that motherfucker out and calling the cops and deal with whatever repercussions they wanted to try and put on me.
inkfreq said:
[color=#006400 said:

Dude, shut up.

He did nothing. Not even the bare minimum. Didn't follow up, or confront his "friend". Just sat on his ass.

I'm not going too sit here and pretend I know everything about thiss case, but I know they said he spoke to a Grand Jury. Doesn't exactly sound to me like he did nothing.

Somehow he ended up testifying. How is that nothing?

And the result of that Grand Jury was not a finding of guilt. I don't know if he was found innocent or what, or if it's even over yet...but how do you crucify a guy and say he did nothing when he offered his sworn testimony to a court of law?

If they find that he purjured himself to cover his buddy's ass, I'd agree with the public outcry against him... but I just haven't heard anything yet that suggests that's the case.

All I have heard is that Joe didn't escelate things higher than his boss and didn't revoke access to the facilities, and I'm not even sure a coach has the authority to revoke that acccess. Maybe he does, but I just don't know.

It sounds to me like JoePa ****ed up, but I hear a lot of people wanting to cast him into the fires with Sandusky like JoePa was diddling little boys... but that's not the case.

I didn't know JoePa talked to a Grand Jury. I thought he just made a phone call to the AD at Penn State, no?

If that's the case, Joe Pa might as well of did the deed with the kid(s). There's no fn difference if you ask me.
He talked to the grand jury but not then. He went to his boss and waited a d did nothing else for some time. And in his testimony he said was he went to boss only. Paterno is a Dumbshit.