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Other Games Week 4

That right there is what you show recruits. See this Virginia transfer that we recruited and he chose OSU? Ya, you see our UConn transfer that isn't completely lost? No clue what that kid was yelling about, you held him clear as day.
My head picked the Buckeyes to cover the three.

It?s really hard to want the Buckeyes to win in football ever.

So we?ll see.
ND going all coverage and it's working. McCord can't process what he's seeing fast enough.
And sure enough they tried to blitz him and he hits the hot for 30. Why do you blitz when you're getting burned by it every time.
The worst thing that could happen here would be a push.

Back in my days as a sales champion I used to love to say ?everybody wins? or ?it?s win all around.?

The Buckeyes win and it?s a push - it?s lose all around.
ND so many missed tackles. Playing so bad this series.

Flags, missed Tackles, ect.
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Just imagine the anguish of every OSU fan in the world at this moment.
Iowa has 54 yards of offense. It's the 4th quarter. How much longer can Kirk employ his kid with this kind of production? Cade is 5/14 for 42 yards. That is fucking abysmal.
Cade is out. Not sure if that's because of injury, performance or the fact the game is essentially over. RIP Cade's career.