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If he does play I'm curious who they drop..? I still think its better to go with someone who can play the IF that didn't cheat, like Ramon. Other than that I can't imagine who will be dropped..
I'm not sure they will need to drop anyone. They may just add him for the playoffs and not have him play the final series Vs. Miami. It looks like he'll just be a bench guy anyway, so it's not like the final 3 days of the year will prepare him much. Probably just put him on the playoff roster over a relief pitcher, since Porcello will be added to the bullpen anyway. My guess would be either Downs or AA.
Not to mention if we make the WS and the issue of PH'ing comes up, who would you rather have as an option, Don Kelly and Ramon Santiago, or Jhonny Peralta?

He could even prove useful in that role while we're in Miami for the final games.
Not to mention if we make the WS and the issue of PH'ing comes up, who would you rather have as an option, Don Kelly and Ramon Santiago, or Jhonny Peralta?

He could even prove useful in that role while we're in Miami for the final games.

Now that Tui has been struggling, Jhonny is our only realistic right handed pinch hit home run threat. And with Miggy's ailments, Iggy's shins and even Omar's ankle keeping Peralta around seems to make a lot of sense.
Not to mention if we make the WS and the issue of PH'ing comes up, who would you rather have as an option, Don Kelly and Ramon Santiago, or Jhonny Peralta?

He could even prove useful in that role while we're in Miami for the final games.

Ramon, Kelly, Peralta in that order..
Ramon, Kelly, Peralta in that order..

I understand you're upset with Peralta, and I might even agree that Kelly is a solid pinch hitter due to his patience, but Peralta is a much bigger impact bat than both of them. Santiago is one of the worst overall hitters outside of contact rate, which makes his bad BA in to even more perspective.
Looks like a prediction of mine was pretty spot on for once :p

i love the idea. I don't trust Dirks' bat, and if Jhonny proves to be a natural, it would be a huge boost for the lineup.

I think it may be one of the worst ideas in a while. JP can't move and hasn't played in the OF for 10 years.
I think it may be one of the worst ideas in a while. JP can't move and hasn't played in the OF for 10 years.

The guy is not even guaranteed a spot in the lineup. Why is it a bad idea to see if he can play left field, when it's already a weakness? If he can't play it, oh well.. but if he can, it really helps out a lot. Don't see how this is bad.
Trying him in LF right now is one thing. I doubt seriously he will see any significant game time in LF, unless an injury occurs to someone else.
Peralta didn't have the best range at SS, but isn't LF conceived a much easier position than SS? If Carlos Guillen could pass as a SS turned LF, I'm sure Jhonny would be fine. We'll see though.
He can't move?

What do you base this on Tom?

I watch him run the bases and watch him play SS. Slow on the basepaths and no lateral movement at SS. As far as the opinions that it can't hurt to try...Nick C has been working on LF for an entire season and spring training and he is still below average out there. Now you want to put an older SS who has never played out there in his entire 10 year career in LF in the playoffs? Makes no sense. I can see putting him on the roster for a PH or backup IF but not in left. I would rather play Dirks out there vs. LH pitching
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If you're equating the lateral movement needed to play SS (and to say he has none is stupid) and the movement needed to play LF then you have no idea what it takes to play either position.

Most would say Ryan Raburn had very little lateral movement at 2B, certainly far less then Peralta...and he can patrol LF pretty well.

I think you're just making any excuse you can to argue Peralta should not rejoin the team.
As a former outfielder, weighing 260 lbs, I found that instinct can make up for lack of quickness. Since Jhonny has spent 10 seasons as a shortstop, he already knows how the ball comes off the bat to the left side of the field. Lateral range isn't necessary to being a solid outfielder. Seeing the ball off the bat, and the instinct of knowing the general area where the ball is coming down is most of it. His arm is not great in terms of strength, but come on.. Andy Dirks has a hard time hitting the cutoff man in decent time. Like I said before, Carlos Guillen was way slower and had less "range" than Peralta and made a passable left fielder. And I also remember him being moved to left without much preparation.
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I understand you're upset with Peralta, and I might even agree that Kelly is a solid pinch hitter due to his patience, but Peralta is a much bigger impact bat than both of them. Santiago is one of the worst overall hitters outside of contact rate, which makes his bad BA in to even more perspective.

If we're talking just bat, I'd go with Peralta. But I don't want a cheat and liar playing on the Tigers. Its that simple for me..I might be in the minority just the way I feel.
If we're talking just bat, I'd go with Peralta. But I don't want a cheat and liar playing on the Tigers. Its that simple for me..I might be in the minority just the way I feel.

Hey, I understand that. If it was Miguel Cabrera or Justin Verlander, I'd be more against them coming back because they would have had a false impact on the entire season. Peralta is expected to be a role player and nothing more, and if we're going to make a run for the title, it helps to have guys with his bat. Cheater or not.