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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

I'm so tired of reading all of the articles and listening to all of the media spewing the players as the good guys and the owner's as the bad guys. Both sides consist of greedy assholes that are only looking out for themselves. Anyone who believes that the players are only looking out for the best interest of baseball are fools. That couldn't be further from the truth. The players are looking out for the best interest of the players...as they should.

The players got screwed in the last deal, the owners aren't letting up. Revenues increased 27% and they want a 6% increase in the cap. Revenues are way up and salaries are down, all the players want is for salaries to follow revenues.

Analytics have shown that mid tier free agent contracts are rarely worth it for the team so they've gone with younger and cheaper players. 60% of the league makes the minimum, something needs to change to get people paid earlier.
The players got screwed in the last deal, the owners aren't letting up. Revenues increased 27% and they want a 6% increase in the cap. Revenues are way up and salaries are down, all the players want is for salaries to follow revenues.

Analytics have shown that mid tier free agent contracts are rarely worth it for the team so they've gone with younger and cheaper players. 60% of the league makes the minimum, something needs to change to get people paid earlier.

I agree that the younger players need more money. The most recent proposal by the owners has the lowest pay being $700K per year and going up to $740K at the end of the deal. That is a 23% raise in the first year. The luxury tax threshold isn't what will drive up salaries, it's raising "minimum wage". They also proposed the bonus pool of $30M which would go to pre arb players who are deserving. A hypothetical number of 150 players would get (on average) $200K extra. The best part of the bonus pool is the best of the players will get a significant amount of additional money. If 60% of players truly make the minimum, and the bonus pool is $30M, that would add about $91M in the pockets of the pre-arb players in year one of the new deal.

If I were the players I would shoot for $730K starting and $60M bonus pool and leave the luxury tax alone.
The 30 Major League Baseball owners are worth over $100 billion. The value of their teams increased by more than $41 billion since they bought them.
Mr. Asswipe Manfred: End the lockout. Negotiate in good faith. Don't let the greed of baseball owners take away our national past time.
So, is Trout saying that the players wouldn't have gone on strike if they didn't get the deal they wanted?
Totally Tigers

Last Tuesday, MLB and the MLBPA failed to come to an agreement on a new CBA. As a result, MLB cancelled Opening Day and the first 2 series of the 2022 season.

The CBA expired at midnight on December 1st. One minute after, on December 2nd, all 30 MLB owners voted unanimously to initiate a lockout of the players despite no negotiations having taken place. As a result, players cannot have any contact whatsoever with their managers, coaches and Front offices until a new CBA is ratified.

The players made the first offer to ownership but there was no response from MLB for a full 6 weeks. Owners made their first offer on February 21st with just a week left before games would have to be cancelled.

Negotiations were sporadic until the final days of February. On the 29th, MLB made their final offer which was not very different than the one before it.
They also added new proposals to it that were not previously under consideration and came as a surprise ? and overtly petty ? to the union.

Several hours before the final deadline, Commissioner Rob Manfred was videotaped practicing his golf swing in the stadium where negotiations were taking place. At the press conference, he laughed immediately after his statement that MLB would be cancelling the first 2 series of games.

Less than a week before, Manfred stated that if any games were cancelled, it would be ?disastrous? for baseball.

What do you believe MLB?s motivation to be? Is this simply business as usual with ownership believing that the players are asking for too much? Is this part of an honest attempt to negotiate with them?

Or do they have another priority? Does this go beyond the realm of reasonable negotiation and venture into the belief that they are trying to break and destroy the MLBPA as some have suggested?

What do you believe is the true intent of MLB owners?

1. Honest attempt at negotiating.

2. Ulterior motive to destroy the players' union.

Tigers? cheap bastard owner Chris Ilitch opposed even modest hike in CBT threshold.
Four owners voted against even the $220M threshold in owners? proposal.

It's the smart thing to do. The luxury tax threshold is good for small market teams and is the only mechanism that acts as some sort of cap on the large market teams. Every other major sport has a salary cap of some sort. The NHL and NFL have the strictest caps. The NBA is skewed a little due to the "Bird contracts" and MLB really doesn't have one.

Highest team payroll in each sport.
NHL $83M
NBA $178M
NFL $206M
MLB $266M

Difference between highest and lowest team payroll

NHL (Hard cap) $15M
NFL (Hard cap) $34M
NBA (soft cap) $97M
MLB (no cap) $224M
Look People DET was NEVER EVER going to spend 230M..in fact the hires and recent construction of their FO screams player development and moderate payrolls..if it works..great..what the suppression of other teams paying players says..is loud..and petty..its Chris Illitch brand.

I would like to think his father would be disappointed..but would he..he didn't try for 13 years form 92-2003..he had a fit of pique against max Scherzer and then hired an imbecile GM instead of paying Dombrowski.

a stand up guy..a man of conviction releases a real statement..in the light of day..Chris Illitch has Ron Colangelo write and release a statement at 11:00PM on a Friday night in the dark of night..character is what you do when nobody is watching Chris..
