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Stafford Versus Winning Teams

Just because I'm not a blind fool when i discuss the team doesn't make me any less of a fan. Im in so cal with my lions sticker on my car, 2 floor mats, wheel cover. I left detroit 13 years ago...i had every chance in the world to not be a fan, not live with the heart ache every Sunday. I probably have the only 4 year old in cali that is a Lions fan. Still doesn't mean the team doesn't suck any less. They out performed their talent this year and got smoked in the playoffs to an average team. Good job? !
Yeah, it's silly. This whole conversation about fan v bandwagon fan is stupid. If only "real" fans were allowed into Ford Field, that place would be half full every Sunday.

Apparently, you get some pride award for sticking with this team and being crushed every Sunday for 50 years.

I don't think people quite understand. The organization and the players don't give a flying fuck about the fans. They care about money, and money alone. Every year, the Lions organization shows they don't want to be a legit franchise, and all the fans can do is bend over and say "Thanks, can I have another?"

Congrats to all of you guys that stick it out every game and scream and shout at the TV to be heartbroken. You are better fans than I. But at least I can enjoy my Sunday afternoon without being a mess for the entire week.

Newsflash fellas. Sports aren't real.
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Yeah, it's silly. This whole conversation about fan v bandwagon fan is stupid. If only "real" fans were allowed into Ford Field, that place would be half full every Sunday.

Apparently, you get some pride award for sticking with this team and being crushed every Sunday for 50 years.

I don't think people quite understand. The organization and the players don't give a flying fuck about the fans. They care about money, and money alone. Every year, the Lions organization shows they don't want to be a legit franchise, and all the fans can do is bend over and say "Thanks, can I have another?"

Congrats to all of you guys that stick it out every game and scream and shout at the TV to be heartbroken. You are better fans than I. But at least I can enjoy my Sunday afternoon without being a mess for the entire week.

Newsflash fellas. Sports aren't real.

And this right here is why you're a fucking complete utter moron. Nobody is looking for an award, you doofus lol. Wtf are you talking about? As for you, retard....you're not a fan at all. You said it yourself. You have emotionally detached yourself from this team....remember? Therefore, you don't give a fuck what happens to this team. Then you backtrack and say that you want to see this team succeed lol. Then you tell me that when this team gets better, you'll start paying more attention. You're a fucking joke. It baffles the shit out of me why you're still here since you don't care lol. But hey, you've covered every angle.....fan.....not a fan.....bandwagon fan.......rebel for not watching games or buying merch. All in one swoop!!! Fucking clown.

And i don't care if you're a real fan or not but the bandwagon fan is real. I'm just calling you out on it. You've labeled yourself already. Sports aren't real. What does that even mean? Oh, I forgot...i'm talking to a fucking mutant who has no feels for his sports teams lol. Such a badass. For the record, my week is fine after a loss but what would a fucking schlub like you know?
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Just because I'm not a blind fool when i discuss the team doesn't make me any less of a fan. Im in so cal with my lions sticker on my car, 2 floor mats, wheel cover. I left detroit 13 years ago...i had every chance in the world to not be a fan, not live with the heart ache every Sunday. I probably have the only 4 year old in cali that is a Lions fan. Still doesn't mean the team doesn't suck any less. They out performed their talent this year and got smoked in the playoffs to an average team. Good job? !

I never thought you were a bandwagon fan. I just think you point your fingers in the wrong direction at times when it comes to placing blame on players or coaches.
I never thought you were a bandwagon fan. I just think you point your fingers in the wrong direction at times when it comes to placing blame on players or coaches.

point taken. but for years i blamed millen....easy enough to do. Then i blamed mayhew....i think for the most part i was right if we looked back at his track record draft, FA and W/L.

And when your Schtick as a team now is to be less talented, keep the game close, then win in the end with stafford......then you need stafford to play out of his mind or he puts too much pressure on our shitty defense. So yes....stafford had a great year.....but he needed to be better the last 4 weeks if we were ever going to win. Puts way too much on his shoulders....but thats what you get for keeping mayhew way too long. Realistically were still 2-3 off seasons away from being a competitor in the playoffs IFFFF everything goes right. Quin had a nice first draft under his belt....hopefully its a sign of good things to come.
Kmd's original point was majority of the people on this board are bandwagon fans. Which seem absurd to me. I really wouldn't consider anyone that post here bandwaon.

Also, just because someone has new gear doesn't make them a bandwagon fan.
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point taken. but for years i blamed millen....easy enough to do. Then i blamed mayhew....i think for the most part i was right if we looked back at his track record draft, FA and W/L.

And when your Schtick as a team now is to be less talented, keep the game close, then win in the end with stafford......then you need stafford to play out of his mind or he puts too much pressure on our shitty defense. So yes....stafford had a great year.....but he needed to be better the last 4 weeks if we were ever going to win. Puts way too much on his shoulders....but thats what you get for keeping mayhew way too long. Realistically were still 2-3 off seasons away from being a competitor in the playoffs IFFFF everything goes right. Quin had a nice first draft under his belt....hopefully its a sign of good things to come.

Can't really argue that. Maybe the schtick comment. I don''t think it's their schtick to win games like that lol. It just happened that way. Like you said, Quinn needs to get to work. You're right, 2-3 seasons away and Quinn echoed the same thing when he was hired. He has to nail the draft and hit on FA's.

On a sidenote, I want Stafford as our QB but wouldn't mind trading him for a boatload of picks. Only problem with that is you're starting from scratch and this team can't really afford to do that. Would be interesting though lol. Imagine...big Tony wanting Staff gone? Haaaa
Kmd's original point was majority of the people on this board are bandwagon fans. Which seem absurd to me. I really wouldn't consider anyone that post here bandwaon.

Also, just because someone has new gear doesn't make them a bandwagon fan.

You're right. Not everyone with new gear makes them a bandwagon fan but I saw new gear on a lot of people. So it's just an assumption. Next time i'll interview every guy walking down the street with a new Lions hat. You got my point......cmon.
I gotta admit one thing that always bugs me is how many people I see in my area (pretty much smack dab in the middle of the state) in packers gear all the damn time, I always mudder to self, better not see you in lions gear someday.. I mean shit are there really that many folks in the neighborhood from Wisconsin? Nope..then why all the packer fans? Becuase they want to indentify with a winner. I say f that, I want to feel how sweet it will be someday and how much joy one can experience after so many and I do mean many years of deep pain...

That's the hope anyway...someday...maybe someday..

There are also a large number of steeler fans around me, are they all from Pennsylvania Nope..they just grew up wanting to indenify with a winner same deal..I grew up soaking up the pain letting it build into adulthood telling myself you can't experience real joy without the suffering..I'm still telling myself this 30+ years later...greatful at least got to see the tigers get one in 84 at a still young impressable age else I'd likely be a total basket case if not for that instead of just a partial fbor lions fan head case
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You probably don't even leave your fucking house lol. They were out there. I can spot one a mile away. I seen more Lions gear on people than I have in awhile.

I have a Cardinals Jersey - doesn't mean anything. Today I'm wearing my LeShoure jersey, means nothing other than it's a nice jersey. I think you're reading too much into Lions gear..
I've been here all my life, I support the team. But I don't let these guys ruin my Sunday. Yeah, I'm going to stop becoming that hardcore fan when there's no hope in sight. To be honest, during the 0-16 team if you continued to let those guys waste 3 hours on your Sunday near the latter half of the season, that's on you. If that makes me a bandwagon fan, that's fine. I'd rather go that route.
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If Madden 17 is any indicator Brady is retiring after the year and Stafford goes to NE.
I gotta admit one thing that always bugs me is how many people I see in my area (pretty much smack dab in the middle of the state) in packers gear all the damn time, I always mudder to self, better not see you in lions gear someday.. I mean shit are there really that many folks in the neighborhood from Wisconsin? Nope..then why all the packer fans? Becuase they want to indentify with a winner. I say f that, I want to feel how sweet it will be someday and how much joy one can experience after so many and I do mean many years of deep pain...

That's the hope anyway...someday...maybe someday..

There are also a large number of steeler fans around me, are they all from Pennsylvania Nope..they just grew up wanting to indenify with a winner same deal..I grew up soaking up the pain letting it build into adulthood telling myself you can't experience real joy without the suffering..I'm still telling myself this 30+ yars later...greatful at least got to see the tigers get one in 84 at a still young impressable age else I'd likely be a total basket case if not for that instead of just a partial fbor lions fan head case

The Packer thing bothers me too in the lower peninsula. The UP is closer to Green Bay. My mother is a prime example of flip flopping fan. She likes Green Bay and Detroit. I don't understand it.

I live in NE Ohio now and Steelers fans are as common as Browns fans. I will root for the Browns to do well but the Lions always come first. I can't root for any other Cleveland team since they are in the same division as the Detroit teams. The only reason I can come up with seeing Packer/Steeler fans in Detroit/Cleveland markets is that these franchises haven't won in a long time and casual fans migrate to teams winning championships.

Remember all the Bulls fans in the 90s, where are they now??
Whoever people wish to root for is completely fine by me. I don't know why being a "bandwagon" fan bothers so many people. As I said before, teams could not care less how loyal their fans are, as long as they make money. And 99.99 percent of their revenue comes from TV and market share. Ticket prices and merchandise are such a tiny drop in the bucket.

I've never chosen other teams to support outside of Detroit because these guys are all I know. But I never harbor any ill will towards people who root for other teams. It's their life, and it's the way they want to spend their fandom. And I can promise that people in Michigan who don't support the Lions and have chosen someone else that actually has some success are probably enjoying their Sundays a lot more than we are. I've just made the decision to become apathetic towards them; they don't move the needle for me in their current state.
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Bandwagon fans don't bother me as much as it seems to other people. I just enjoy when they try to justify it, pretending it's not because the team is good.
In Michigan you see it a lot with the Patriots. Well because Tom Brady was on Michigan, so I like the patriots. Like really? Out of all the Michigan players in the NFL, you latched onto Tom Brady?
Bandwagon fans don't bother me as much as it seems to other people. I just enjoy when they try to justify it, pretending it's not because the team is good.
In Michigan you see it a lot with the Patriots. Well because Tom Brady was on Michigan, so I like the patriots. Like really? Out of all the Michigan players in the NFL, you latched onto Tom Brady?

Thing is, you KNOW at least some people probably legitimately feel that way. Maybe they always resented Henson and felt if Brady played every snap that the team would have grabbed another championship. Maybe they just really loved the guy when he played there and thought he should have been a first rounder coming out (hell, I've heard friends talk about Rudock like he's going to supplant Stafford).

If you don't think some MSU fans this year watched a few Titans games just because of Jack Conklin, you're wrong. Sometimes you get emotionally attached to players, for where they came from, their journey on the team, being great at a specific time, or just because you knew them a little more personally than others.

There's too much going on, and I'm not a mind reader. If someone says they like a team because player X was on their favorite college team, I can't do much but take them at their word. But then, they could say, "I like [team] because the Lions are trash and will always be trash, and I'm not going to waste time rooting for them anymore," and I'd be feel just the same. If someone is tired of being a Lion fan, I don't blame them for some imagined sleight, nor do I judge their integrity (an argument could just as easily be made that fans of consistent losers are acting cultish - look at LKP). Fandom isn't about any one person's definition (my own especially), it's about how each person wants to approach it.
That's the one thing that's bothered me about this conversation, namely from one poster who slings childish insults because that's the only way he can talk. For some reason according to said poster, being more passionate, going to the games, "caring more", makes that person a more knowledgeable fan. Those fans apparently are the only ones allowed to have conversations about the team.

If you like a player and decide to follow that player's career and become attached to that team in the process, so be it. If you live in a state and support your team, but find allegiance with another team FOR WHATEVER REASON, who cares? This whole loyalty thing drives me insane. The people that get hurt the most in this city are the ones that pour their heart into the team. There's zero reason to live like that. When you find yourself caring more than the players, that's a problem. And it happens a lot.

And the team gives you NOTHING for being emotionally connected, nothing. All they do is call you after the season and ask you to renew your tickets because they want money. You don't get the ultimate fan award and $10,000 cash for being so true to the team. You get hurt, that's it.
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It's probably not fair to say fans get NO reward. You can get lots of things out of it. This forum is a community, even when people get at each other's throats. Community is a big reward for lots of people. At a simple level, it alleviates boredom. There are a lot of days where things are just slow at work and checking on stats passes the time until I have something better to do.

Can you get hurt emotionally? Absolutely! And personally, I don't think getting so attached to a team where it can cause a similar effect as clinical depression is a good idea for anyone. But you are right in that a person's emotional commitment to a team has no bearing on whether their assessment(s) of that team are true. I don't really care about either team in the Superbowl this year, but I know a hell of a lot more about both teams than some Atlanta and Boston natives who watch all the games but only ever watch to have their opinions reinforced (essentially, the LKPs of those areas).
Yeah, I agree there. You guys, for the most part all handle conversations very well. There's just been far too many instances of it going off the rails with trolling and posters who can't communicate without saying "f'in idiot," etc...

Spot on. It's complete BS to say because I'm not at the games and as emotionally connected that I know less about what's happening with the team compared to the drunk morons that show up and scream really loud. Passion does not equal intelligence.
That's the one thing that's bothered me about this conversation, namely from one poster who slings childish insults because that's the only way he can talk. For some reason according to said poster, being more passionate, going to the games, "caring more", makes that person a more knowledgeable fan. Those fans apparently are the only ones allowed to have conversations about the team.

If you like a player and decide to follow that player's career and become attached to that team in the process, so be it. If you live in a state and support your team, but find allegiance with another team FOR WHATEVER REASON, who cares? This whole loyalty thing drives me insane. The people that get hurt the most in this city are the ones that pour their heart into the team. There's zero reason to live like that. When you find yourself caring more than the players, that's a problem. And it happens a lot.

And the team gives you NOTHING for being emotionally connected, nothing. All they do is call you after the season and ask you to renew your tickets because they want money. You don't get the ultimate fan award and $10,000 cash for being so true to the team. You get hurt, that's it.

You can say my name, doofus. It's ok lol. And for the record, I never said I was more knowledgeable than you. Way to make things up lol. All I said was, I don't understand why you're here if you don't care about this team. Your life sucks that bad where you take time out of your day to post on a sports board that you have no passion for??? I don't care if it's 5-10 minutes. Why put yourself through that? But you don't fool me. You do care but for some reason you're that guy that calls in a radio show to tell people that you're "Lions Free". Looking for that pat on the back like you accomplished something lol.

And wtf are you looking for from the Lions? You keep repeating yourself like some butthurt kid over and over again that the Lions don't care about you...lol. So what?!?!?! You looking for an apology? A letter from Martha personally?? Wtf are you looking for, you fkn child?? Lol. You talk about getting hurt. WHY?!? You have no ties to this organization!! Remember?! Your words! How can you possibly get hurt?? You're the biggest flip flopper on this board....
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