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Stafford Versus Winning Teams

That's fine man. If you were a fly in the wall around me during the games, you'd understand. There's a MASSIVE different between hate and being apathetic. I don't get angry at them anymore. That's a waste of my energy.

It's impossible for me to convey that to you, so I'm not going to drag my feet through this conversation anymore, not worth my time.

"If you're not emotionally attached, how can you have an opinion?" Tony, that might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. I've read so much stupid shit from tons of various posters on here, including myself. But that has to be in the top 3.

Nope. Not dumb at all. If you don't care about this team then your opinion means squat. You said it yourself!!! Lol. You obviously don't get it. How do you expect anybody to take you seriously? For a guy that says he doesn't care", your life must be special because you spend a ton of time on here lol
Tony, have you thought about that sentence at all? Do you honestly believe as a human being that you cannot have an opinion towards something you aren't emotionally connected to?

If you do, then... I don't know how to help you.

Life's fine man. Slow time at work, I'm in an office so I need to move the day along. Thanks for checking.

And then do me a favor. If you believe half the BS you spew, stop responding to me if my opinion has no merit.
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Tony, have you thought about that sentence at all? Do you honestly believe as a human being that you cannot have an opinion towards something you aren't emotionally connected to?

If you do, then... I don't know how to help you.

Life's fine man. Slow time at work, I'm in an office so I need to move the day along. Thanks for checking.

And then do me a favor. If you believe half the BS you spew, stop responding to me if my opinion has no merit.

You can have an opinion. Go ahead!!! Why would anyone take you serious though? You don't care, remember?!?! Why would you even have a fucking opinion on something that you don't care about? It's mindboggling. It's not hard really. It's like me going onto a fucking NASCAR board and throwing in my 2 cents. You know what though? I DON'T DO THAT!!! You know why?? I DON'T CARE ABOUT NASCAR!!! Why post here?? Wouldn't a NFL board be more precise for you???

I don't need your help btw, gimp. I'm not the one posting on a team board and then telling everyone I don't care about the Lions in the same breath. You need the help.
Wow, none of what you said registered whatsoever.

But thank god you put down that laughing emoji.

"If you aren't emotionally invested, you can't have an opinion."
fast forward to next day.
"You can have an opinion."

You've embarrassed yourself enough on this one. Move on.
Wow, none of what you said registered whatsoever.

But thank god you put down that laughing emoji.

"If you aren't emotionally invested, you can't have an opinion."
fast forward to next day.
"You can have an opinion."

You've embarrassed yourself enough on this one. Move on.

That's right, retard. Focus on the emoji like you always do lol. You're a fucking joke. And for the record, you fucking imbecile, I don't think you are entitled to an opinion if you don't care about the Lions. But on the same note, go ahead and voice it. Nobody will take you serious because you're a joke. I can't stop you from having an opinion. So go ahead and continue to make yourself look like a moron lol. I think it's priceless how fucking stupid you are....bravo.
Nobody will take you serious because you're a joke.

Speak for yourself. You're about the only one I don't take serious on this board because you're a cunt and can't have a conversation without sounding like an 18 year old frat bro.
LOL. In Tony's world, those drunk idiots that show up and get fucking bombed and cheer really loud have a stronger opinion than those who can step back and look at things from a realistic view.

Actually, I generally have a good conversation with everyone on here except you and LKP. You can't speak without being a fucking 14 year old, and LKP... well you know the deal.
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I would tend to almost devalue the opinion of someone who is overly emotionally attached to something. Chances are because of that emotion they probably aren't as rational and objective.
I mean that's why so many parents think their average kid is something special, because they are seeing with emotion and not objectivity.
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Exactly. I still follow and of course I want this team to succeed and do well. They can have my emotional hardcore fandom again once they show they care about being a real organization.

No matter when that happens, I'll continue to post here. Anyone's free to agree/disagree with my stance. But don't go and tell me what type of fan I am and if I'm allowed to have an opinion. That's all BS.
LOL. In Tony's world, those drunk idiots that show up and get fucking bombed and cheer really loud have a stronger opinion than those who can step back and look at things from a realistic view.

Actually, I generally have a good conversation with everyone on here except you and LKP. You can't speak without being a fucking 14 year old, and LKP... well you know the deal.

What would you know about cheering for your team? You're a rebel that doesn't tune into the game every Sunday lol. But you sure have comments about how this team should be run though, right? You're a straight up clown...
Speak for yourself. You're about the only one I don't take serious on this board because you're a cunt and can't have a conversation without sounding like an 18 year old frat bro.

Damn, bro....that hits me all in the feels. A cunt??? Yikes...looks like someone learned a new word. Good for you, buddy lol.
Exactly. I still follow and of course I want this team to succeed and do well. They can have my emotional hardcore fandom again once they show they care about being a real organization.

No matter when that happens, I'll continue to post here. Anyone's free to agree/disagree with my stance. But don't go and tell me what type of fan I am and if I'm allowed to have an opinion. That's all BS.

Keep posting, dude!!! You just pretty much described yourself to be the ultimate bandwagon fan. Attafuckingboy!!!

I would tend to almost devalue the opinion of someone who is overly emotionally attached to something. Chances are because of that emotion they probably aren't as rational and objective.
I mean that's why so many parents think their average kid is something special, because they are seeing with emotion and not objectivity.

Nothing wrong with showing emotion about something you love. I know this team is a mess but I see good things as well. Quinn looks like he's taking this in the right direction. One or two more drafts and a couple of FA pickups should give us a feel what he's all about.
Telling someone that you're emotionally unattached to something tells me that you don't give 2 fucks anymore. Why voice your opinion on something you don't care about? It's fucking retarded. It's no better than those idiots that call up 97.1 the Ticket and tell everyone they're "Lion Free". Move the fuck along if that's the case. Nobody wants to hear that persons garbage because you just told the world you don't care. Why put yourself through the agony??
Sorry Tony. I'll be sure to start screaming the fuck at the TV next season again, get hammered, do all the things the "real" fans do. Us "fake" fans that actually look at things objectively, maybe we can all be shipped to another planet and leave it to the "true" fans.

Do you get some prize for being a non-stop loyal fan? Did the Ford family give you a plaque or are you awarded with a care package after the end of each failed season?
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Sorry Tony. I'll be sure to start screaming the fuck at the TV next season again, get hammered, do all the things the "real" fans do. Us "fake" fans that actually look at things objectively, maybe we can all be shipped to another planet and leave it to the "true" fans.

Do you get some prize for being a non-stop loyal fan? Did the Ford family give you a plaque or are you awarded with a care package after the end of each failed season?

Screaming at the tv? Getting drunk? Retard......what? Plaques? Prizes? You delusional retard you lol. Stop jibber jabberin!! You're NOT a fucking fan lol
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Damn. Thought I was a good fan all these years I watched the games. Blind loyalty is key. Never question the machine.

But since you know me so well as a person, I appreciate you setting me straight about my fandom.

Have a nice Saturday :)
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Damn. Thought I was a good fan all these years I watched the games. Blind loyalty is key. Never question the machine.

But since you know me so well as a person, I appreciate you setting me straight about my fandom.

Have a nice Saturday :)

You're not a fan though!! Remember?!?! You're LION FREE!!! We don't need ya!!! Bounce!!
Aww too bad. I'll be here because I enjoy having conversations with rational fans about the state of the Detroit Lions. And someday they'll have my passion again when they show they care about putting together a real franchise.

Most of these posters I know from back in 1999 when ESPN opened their forums so a lot of these people I actually like talking to. They can, you know, have conversations without sounding like a fucking 12 year old child.

Until then, you'll have to ignore me :) Have a great day!
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Gee, I thought that when lkp decided to stop posting because nobody agreed with him, everyone would get along.