michlady77 said:
Agree I hope he can lick ths problem
He us too young too be like this
His tweets last few weeks had all been positive
You know, in my experience, the people that get multiple DUIs and other alcohol offenses, Stonum has 4 total, are really serious alcoholics. Sure there are exceptions, but 99.9% of people who have been in trouble, not once, not twice, but 4 times with the courts for alcohol including 2 DUIs have a serious issue. The system is set up to net people like that, even with DUI you get 1 free pass. Sure it will cost you a ton, but you wont be in the system forever for having a few too many and driving once. It takes being a drunk to get caught 4 times.
It's good he had the chance to go to U of M on scholarship for 4 years, hopefully he did something for himself in that time.