I've been reading and following everyone since the ESPN boards, but I've never chimed in at any time. Although the threads are generally negative (understandably so) due to years of the Lions crappy play, it seems that its been amplified. I just wanted to chime in on this whole Stafford debate. It seems that I normally tend to agree with LKP more often than not. He always posts numerous statistics/factual data to back up his argument, where as Mitch, Big Guns Bob, and Hughes post almost nothing but negative remarks with very minimal statistics. Although, Mitch, Bob, and Hughes do like to counter LKP with stats after the fact. If you folks were to bring your arguments into a boardroom, LKP would definitely be walking away the winner. I enjoy your debates, but LKP'S arguments have been owning you folks regarding Stafford.
Bob, regarding your argument about Stafford's misfires in the TB and Pitt games, you mentioned a whole 2 plays, while LKP provided example after example. But you did end it with you could go on and on. Very laughable with the catch-all statement to end it.
Mitch, you need to stop spewing out negative comments about Stafford without facts to back it up. You like to use comparisons like Manning, Brees, and Rodgers. Being that you're comparing him to 3 of the top 4 QB'S in the league is a complement in itself. You've said numerous times that you don't understand what everyone sees in Stafford (Announcers, analysts, and so forth), maybe because you're in the minority.
Hughes, you do sometimes provide stats, but your hatred for Stafford is obvious. You can't be convinced.
I'm not intentionally putting you 3 on blast either, it's just that you 3 seem to be the most vocal against LKP.
I'm sure after this post you'll be looking at my profile to see who I am, how old I am, or where I'm from, but you can't always trust what you see.