Totally Tigers
Last week, the Detroit Tigers non-tendered pitcher Spencer Turnbull. This after a year of drama in which he did not agree with the team about a demotion to Toledo.
Without a doubt, stats were heavily in favor of the Tigers. Turnbull had not pitched well at all.
From all appearances, Spencer was focused on earning his service time in order to become a free agent in a year. There was also the issue of the 5-year service mark which allows players to refuse demotions.
And just yesterday, it appears that the 2 sides resolved a legal filing by Turnbull giving him a full year of service time despite pitching only 31 innings at the MLB level.
For those of you who wish to read all the details about what transpired, here is the link to yesterday?s blog:
The question now to ask is whether Turnbull was right to do what he did.
Is it OK for a player to take whatever necessary steps (as long as they are legal) in an attempt to protect and promote his career?
Or is there a limit to one?s actions that may be deemed either appropriate or inappropriate?
What do you think about Turnbull?s actions as he tried to earn service time?
Do you approve of how Spencer Turnbull tried to manage his career?
1. Yes, he was within his rights.
2. No, his moves were inappropriate.