Totally Tigers
Several weeks ago, we covered how baseball has been changing statistically over the past decade. How the old traditional stats have given way to those that tell a more accurate picture. How Front Offices, analysts and everyone one in this industry has been using these new(er) stats for awhile now.
And how fans must adjust as well. We have to remain updated and aware of these now standard ways of analyzing the game. If we don?t, we will no longer really understand what is going on in the game, why some players are considered better than others and why some are retained, while others are not.
The first blog covered the new offensive stats which have taken over the game. If you didn?t catch it the first time ? or need a refresher ? here it is:
Today, let?s cover the top 5 stats for pitching. The ones you need to know and use.
Like the newer offensive numbers, today?s pitching stats are much more accurate than their ancestors. Most importantly, statisticians have figured out to present numbers that tell the truest story about a pitcher without the influence of their teams, other players and defensive factors ? all of which impact his stats.
These are the numbers used by every Front Office to determine the real value of their pitchers and other hurlers they are thinking about acquiring.
A number of fans were puzzled at some of the Tigers? recent signings because they were looking at win-loss records and ERA. But if they were focused on the more accurate stats like Harris and Co. were doing, they?d see why they were signed.
The next time you look at a pitcher?s stats, you?ll want to skim over the win-loss record and ERA in favor of the stats that eliminate outside factors and tell a much more accurate story about his real skills.
So what should you be looking at? Here are the top 5 stats: