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Tigers FO thread, Scott Harris Pres. of Baseball Ops,Tigers Hire Jeff Greenberg GM

you aren't going to get a 22 year old stud SS for a 27 year old pitcher with 2 years left on his contract. You might get a good every day player and several prospects. Or an every day player, a young pitcher not on his level, and a prospect or 2. That's the problem with a Boras client. If you don't want to pay, you are going to lose the player for nothing

EDIT: Just going back to your Gunnar Henderson comment. I didn't realize that how loaded Baltimore is. They have him at SS & Jackson Holliday soon at 2B. They are set up the middle for the next 7 years with 2 studs.
Maybe not but the idea is the same, need a young establishe player not prospects. Best idea is just to sign him to a long deal.
Maybe not but the idea is the same, need a young establishe player not prospects. Best idea is just to sign him to a long deal.
Signing him to an extension right now would be the best way to go. Unfortunately, Boras clients almost always hit free agency.
Totally Tigers

Today, it’s about quick hits – bits of news that catch my radar during the week as well as connecting the dots re ongoing stories. Even the quirky.
So let’s get to it! Here are the most interesting topics that hit my radar over the past week………..
Totally Tigers

In yesterday’s blog, we covered the dilemma facing the Tigers about the future of Tarik Skubal. If you didn’t catch it, here it is. You may also want to peruse all the reader comments as you consider which side you prefer.

Skubal is currently considered to be the best pitcher in baseball and the front runner to win the Cy Young Award. Additionally, there is conversation that he is also a top contender for MVP.
Tarik becomes a free agent after the 2026 season. His agent is Scott Boras who is widely expected to take him to free agency.

The concern is that the Tigers aren’t expected to be contenders until they develop their foundation and core roster. PoBO Scott Harris indicated that it would be 2 years in the making if all goes well.
Potentially, Skubal becomes a free agent at the moment when the Tigers may be willing to add some solid free agents.

What should the Tigers do?
Should they trade him while his value is at its highest for a haul of talent that could accelerate the rebuild?
Should they keep him and allow him to walk into free agency in 2 years?
Or should they try to extend him so he remains a Tigers for many years?

What should the Tigers do about Tarik Skubal?

1. Trade him soon for a haul of talent.

2. Keep him for 2 years and allow him to become a free agent.

3. Extend him for multiple years and $$$.

Totally Tigers

Today, it’s about quick hits – bits of news that catch my radar during the week as well as connecting the dots re ongoing stories. Even the quirky.
So let’s get to it! Here are the most interesting topics that hit my radar over the past week………..
Totally Tigers

Don’t look now but the Tigers are re-making their roster. And, for the most part, they are doing it on the QT.
That 2024 Open Day roster? Soon to be a distant memory.
Many fans haven’t even really noticed. There aren’t any big moves being made or free agents being signed. Rather, it’s a series of mostly under-the-radar or very small changes.

The Tigers are demoting those who can’t meet goals. Moving players to better positions. Bringing up prospects for auditions.
And trying to build their foundation and develop their core group of players.
So what’s going on? What’s going to stick? What’s the next chess move?
Let’s explore and go position to position….
Totally Tigers

Don’t look now but the Tigers are re-making their roster. And, for the most part, they are doing it on the QT.
That 2024 Open Day roster? Soon to be a distant memory.
Many fans haven’t even really noticed. There aren’t any big moves being made or free agents being signed. Rather, it’s a series of mostly under-the-radar or very small changes.

The Tigers are demoting those who can’t meet goals. Moving players to better positions. Bringing up prospects for auditions.
And trying to build their foundation and develop their core group of players.
So what’s going on? What’s going to stick? What’s the next chess move?
Let’s explore and go position to position….
churn, churn, churn. The problem is, it's not turning into butter, it's turning into :poop: :poop: :poop:

Malloy and Baddoo were brought up and are hitting .176 and .133
Kreidler brought up and is hitting .167
Perez has been a pleasant surprise

Those are basically the 4 players that have been brought up.

If Harris and Co. had a clue, maybe they would have gotten a few more mid level free agents like Urshela and Canha. Not great players...not even good, but above average is better than the :poop::poop::poop: they are churning out there.
Totally Tigers

Yesterday, I blogged about how the Detroit Tigers keep making changes to their roster as they attempt to build a foundation and core group of players.

If we focus solely on the positional players, just how many positions will turn over by the start of the 2025 season?
For this poll, we are going to ignore the utility players. Potentially, for those under expiring contracts, it is possible that the Tigers may extend a contract or two, however, we’re going to ignore Mark Canha given the surplus of outfielders.
We are also not considering Akil Baddoo, Justyn-Henry Malloy and Ryan Kreidler given their short amount of time in Detroit so far.
As well, Matt Vierling is not part of the conversation given that he plays 4 different positions without having a singular “home.”
There are also several MLB-level players currently in Toledo. We will assume for this conversation that they will return to Detroit this year.
Here is how the roster currently appears:
CATCHER – Jake Rogers, Carson Kelly (exp. contract)
FIRST BASE – Spencer Torkelson
SECOND BASE – Colt Keith
THIRD BASE – Gio Urshela (exp. contract)
SHORTSTOP – Javier Baez
LEFT FIELD – Riley Greene
CENTER FIELD – Parker Meadows
RIGHT FIELD – Wenceel Perez, Kerry Carpenter
Out of these 8 positions, how many of them will turn over by Opening Day 2025?

How many positions will turn over by Opening Day 2025?
Totally Tigers

Yesterday, I blogged about how the Detroit Tigers keep making changes to their roster as they attempt to build a foundation and core group of players.

If we focus solely on the positional players, just how many positions will turn over by the start of the 2025 season?
For this poll, we are going to ignore the utility players. Potentially, for those under expiring contracts, it is possible that the Tigers may extend a contract or two, however, we’re going to ignore Mark Canha given the surplus of outfielders.
We are also not considering Akil Baddoo, Justyn-Henry Malloy and Ryan Kreidler given their short amount of time in Detroit so far.
As well, Matt Vierling is not part of the conversation given that he plays 4 different positions without having a singular “home.”
There are also several MLB-level players currently in Toledo. We will assume for this conversation that they will return to Detroit this year.
Here is how the roster currently appears:
CATCHER – Jake Rogers, Carson Kelly (exp. contract)
FIRST BASE – Spencer Torkelson
SECOND BASE – Colt Keith
THIRD BASE – Gio Urshela (exp. contract)
SHORTSTOP – Javier Baez
LEFT FIELD – Riley Greene
CENTER FIELD – Parker Meadows
RIGHT FIELD – Wenceel Perez, Kerry Carpenter
Out of these 8 positions, how many of them will turn over by Opening Day 2025?

How many positions will turn over by Opening Day 2025?
I say 3-4
Totally Tigers
Totally Tigers
something a lot of us were saying last off season. Sign some offensive free agents LAST OFF SEASON!! They didn't have to be all star caliber players, just some competent hitters.
Totally Tigers
Totally Tigers
"It’s not Harris’ fault this happened. Blame it on Al Avila and his incompetent Front Office who took 8 years spinning the team’s wheels." Here she is, blaming AA again. This is 100% on Harris and co.

"So far, Wenceel Perez, Andy Ibanez – and to a lesser extent due to a small sample size – Justyn-Henry Malloy have played better than expected." She thinks Malloy has played "better than expected"??? He's hitting 0.146, OBP 0.263 and a OPS of 0.576. If that's better than expected, they should never have called him up!!
Totally Tigers

The Detroit Tigers are taking on more water as they struggle to generate offense and win games. They are now 6 games under .500 (through Monday) with only 6 other teams in MLB with worse records.

Their best hitter, Kerry Carpenter, remains on the IL and although he is rehabbing, there is no set date for his return. Almost 36% of the games the team has played this season had 2 or fewer runs scored.
It is expected that winning will become harder with the upcoming trade deadline. The Tigers are expected to lose some of their better players.

Currently, they only have 2 of 8 positions filled going into 2025. Additionally, Colt Keith is rumored to potentially be moved to 1B for the future so his position at 2B is not a slam dunk.

PoBO Scott Harris has stated that the team is looking to build a foundation and a core of players. He has said that acquiring notable free agents isn’t in the cards for the next 2 years as they work towards those goals.
But many believe that more time than that is needed to build a roster given the current status. And after 8 years of rebuilding under Al Avila, many fans are done with rebuilding and need to see a competitive team sooner rather than later. Or really, more accurately, they needed to see it “yesterday.”

So what should the Tigers do about the rest of this season? Should they trade off players for other pieces in an attempt to fill more positions, keep the current roster, or should they start working on the roster now by benching/sending down poor performers and bringing up AAA players to see what they have?

How should the Tigers manage their roster for the rest of this year?

1. Sell off players for new ones who may be part of next year's roster.

2. Keep the current roster as is.

3. Start benching/sending down players and bring up prospects.

Totally Tigers

The Detroit Tigers are taking on more water as they struggle to generate offense and win games. They are now 6 games under .500 (through Monday) with only 6 other teams in MLB with worse records.

Their best hitter, Kerry Carpenter, remains on the IL and although he is rehabbing, there is no set date for his return. Almost 36% of the games the team has played this season had 2 or fewer runs scored.
It is expected that winning will become harder with the upcoming trade deadline. The Tigers are expected to lose some of their better players.

Currently, they only have 2 of 8 positions filled going into 2025. Additionally, Colt Keith is rumored to potentially be moved to 1B for the future so his position at 2B is not a slam dunk.

PoBO Scott Harris has stated that the team is looking to build a foundation and a core of players. He has said that acquiring notable free agents isn’t in the cards for the next 2 years as they work towards those goals.
But many believe that more time than that is needed to build a roster given the current status. And after 8 years of rebuilding under Al Avila, many fans are done with rebuilding and need to see a competitive team sooner rather than later. Or really, more accurately, they needed to see it “yesterday.”

So what should the Tigers do about the rest of this season? Should they trade off players for other pieces in an attempt to fill more positions, keep the current roster, or should they start working on the roster now by benching/sending down poor performers and bringing up AAA players to see what they have?

How should the Tigers manage their roster for the rest of this year?

1. Sell off players for new ones who may be part of next year's roster.

2. Keep the current roster as is.

3. Start benching/sending down players and bring up prospects.

I think they should listen to offers for every player on this roster. Unfortunately, I think they will need to trade Skubal this off season.
This is from an article I read today

"Moving forward, the Tigers will continue to focus on starting pitching and outfield defense. The team’s adaptation to prioritizing athleticism has influenced recent trades and draft picks, such as acquiring Matt Vierling and selecting high school outfielder Max Clark. “If we can take a gapper and turn it into an out consistently across six months, the run value advantage of that is huge,” Harris noted about the importance of outfield defense. “It’s going to be a big part of how we build this team moving forward.”

How about addressing the infield defense!
Scott Harris doubled down on Tigers' offseason approach as fans' anger grows.
from Harris...He cites Riley Greene as a model for Detroit's vision: the former fifth overall pick has pushed his OPS from .682 as a rookie to .850 in year three.


Malloy .550 OPS
Keith .618 OPS
Kreideler .452 OPS
Meadows .443 OPS

Greene was a good defensive player in CF as a rookie. Meadows is the only good defensive player in this group. Keith stinks, and Malloy is so bad that they don't allow him on the field when a Tigers pitcher is on the mound.
Totally Tigers
Totally Tigers
again, blaming AA.

If Harris was such a genius, wouldn't he have know last off season that the players AA drafted are crap and done something about it?