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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

We keep talking about 2b and LF as positions of upgrade but what about CF? I wouldn't mind seeing Ajax go if the deal was right.
I wish this team had half the fight that the 03' team had during the last week of their season.
Well shit that didn't work/ last very long.. LOL

oh lord jackson can't hit 90 mph right down the pipe, torri K's on a pitch in the dirt and our HOF guy now only has warning track power. ok well i'm just going to go blankly stare off into space for the next few hours..
last season was a fluke.

we need more players that can work counts at the top, jim leyland and his crew can go fuck off.
We all seem to be on the same page, watching the same disinterested lack of fire.
Slowly dissipated to this the past few weeks.
As Dougie's PC continues to ascend, he then throws a WP and Smith takes 3rd on a groundout
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Truth be told, Fister has been very inconsistent this year and has been giving up way too many runners with a 1.4 WHIP in the 2nd half.
Pull fister now!!!! He is completely off. No control, going to make a mistake over the plate.
Fister looks like he's having the same issue as Sanchez...can't get the ball down.
Were the first three pitches really balls? I'm using ESPNs tracker and it has all three in the zone.
Fister cannot locate, you have to get someone throwing now.