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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

Just pull your fucking team off the field Smokes!!! This is the most disappointing season of my lifetime.
Leyland will have a reliever start warming up later when/after the a's score a few more.
He's good like that.
Just another game is what Fister said. Guess the coaches agree. Ho Hum.

Yeah, the fact that nobody is warming up right now is a microcosm of Leyland's inability to manage. Crisp came within feet of making this a 4-0 game, and nobody is even warming up.. Whatever, Jimbo.
This inning prediction


Just let me be 33%
Way to take one for the team Prince!!! Best at bat of the season for him!!!
Yeah, the fact that nobody is warming up right now is a microcosm of Leyland's inability to manage. Crisp came within feet of making this a 4-0 game, and nobody is even warming up.. Whatever, Jimbo.

Maybe Leyland has already decided that this will be his last year of managing the Tigers, regardless of the outcome in this postseason.