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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

Justin Verlander has started 3 times in playoffs vs Oakland the last 2 years.
His numbers: 2-0, 23 IP, ER, 33 K, 0.39 ERA
since you really don't want his bat in the lineup why would you consider him in the OF?

For me....I want his bat in the line up. It's a must win game 5 and he's our fastest player, can get infield hits and he's the only guy who knows how to bunt.
I love the idea of Alex out of the lineup. I would just worry about JV's comfort level with V-Mart vs. Avila.

Alex is slumping like most guys on the team, but he's really the only guy who will take pitches. Even Miggy is swinging 3-0 all the time.

But that's the best offensive/defensive idea I can come up with, the alternative would be to sit Prince and have Vmart at 1B while Miggy is DH, but as much as he has struggles I don't think you can explain taking Princes bat out of the lineup in an elimination game vs. a RHP.
For me....I want his bat in the line up. It's a must win game 5 and he's our fastest player, can get infield hits and he's the only guy who knows how to bunt.

he can't hit his way out of a wet paper bag. If he is a speedy guy and can bunt he can pinch hit when you need a bunt, pinch run or be a defensive replacement.
For me....I want his bat in the line up. It's a must win game 5 and he's our fastest player, can get infield hits and he's the only guy who knows how to bunt.

Ditto. I really can't believe we are talking about Peralta at SS.
Maybe Jhonny at 3rd, Iggy SS, Miggy DH, Vmart catching and let Alex sit.
I wouldn't complain about this lineup. Could also swap Iggy and Johnny too.

Nice to have options. Just don't think Leyland would go too far with the changes.