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Tigers vs. a's Game 4 Thread Oct. 8

Alex is slumping like most guys on the team, but he's really the only guy who will take pitches. Even Miggy is swinging 3-0 all the time.

But that's the best offensive/defensive idea I can come up with, the alternative would be to sit Prince and have Vmart at 1B while Miggy is DH, but as much as he has struggles I don't think you can explain taking Princes bat out of the lineup in an elimination game vs. a RHP.

I agree 100% I really have no problem running out the same lineup as today. It is just fun to talk about other options.
he can't hit his way out of a wet paper bag. If he is a speedy guy and can bunt he can pinch hit when you need a bunt, pinch run or be a defensive replacement.

Most of the players on this team can't hit their way out of a wet paper bag Tom, Iggy has plenty of company in that department, but has no peers when it comes to defense.
We'll most likely need Smyly's "A" game tomorrow. He'll probably be first out of the pen.
Good post game coverage on MLB Network. The Wild Thing has been hilarious.
We'll most likely need Smyly's "A" game tomorrow. He'll probably be first out of the pen.

He'll be the only guy out of the pen tomorrow.....Game 5 is on Thursday.

(Sorry, couldn't resist)
Most of the players on this team can't hit their way out of a wet paper bag Tom, Iggy has plenty of company in that department, but has no peers when it comes to defense.

it was kind of a side conversation. I was responding to him saying why couldn't Iggy play in the OF. I was just saying that why keep him in the lineup just to have him play in the OF.
Tigers hit .077 against Athletics bullpen in Games 1-3,
but were 5-for-11 (.455 BA) vs Oakland relievers in Game 4.

hey balfour...F'k you bitch.
side bar....Maden making a pitching change no outs based loaded in the 2nd inning.
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I wonder how that fan felt for those few minutes while they reviewed the homer.

Reddick says there is no doubt in his mind he was going to catch it. Liar. But does agree it was over the yellow line...and says I hope VMart paid that fan.
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I wonder how that fan felt for those few minutes while they reviewed the homer.

Reddick says there is no doubt in his mind he was going to catch it. Liar. But does agree it was over the yellow line...and says I hope VMart paid that fan.

He over ran it anyway. They showed the ball coming down about 2 feet to the right of his glove.